Chapter 20

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10 years Later \ Jane Clair

I closed my flower shop and walked out it was 8:30 pm for a small business a lot of people liked it and so many came during the day. I walked to another store the brightest colored store on the block bright pink.


I walked in and the woman that I had met from day one was here years older but she moved like she was 20 years old.

"Ah Jane how nice to see you" she smiled at me "Go right in"

"Thank you" I walked into the room and took a deep breath of the air of the cave before finally, I walked to grab my new Suit it was better and I could move much more my motorbike had a few advancements made to it and the wig I placed on my head had also changed. I didn't exit the same way through the years I've found passages out and places to train I'm more advanced and more skilled than before but more than ever I needed what I trained for. I  knew Gothams greatest villains were on the rise Oswald Coplepot was to be realized today.
I was out and about on the rooftop of my apartment waiting and watching the crime in the darkness of the shadows. I sighed when I heard the sounds of alarms in a jewelry store. The classic Catwoman. In the darkness I watched as she took a diamond she looked up as if she knew I was there and waved I rolled my eyes watched as they placed the diamondback where it was and left. Behind me, I saw a shadow. I stopped and looked back I looked around my surroundings and then I looked up at the moon before I disappeared once again in dark.

Night of the Next Day

I walked inside to the steps of the building I supposed would be Wayne Enterprise. I looked around and saw Alfred I walked close to him.

"So this is the new Gotham you plan to construct I have to say the old one was much finer" he looked up to see me and he was left wide-eyed

"Ms. Clair what a lovely surprise," he says and smiles "it's been a long time"

"Indeed it has but would you happen to know where Bruce I need to speak to him," I ask

"I'm sorry but he's unavailable ever since he arrived his schedules been a bit tight," I cross my arms

"Then I need you to tell him to stop watching me I can defend myself I have for the last 10 years along with Gotham I don't need someone spying on me while I'm out"

"I know you have your Gotham is role model but-" I cut him off there

"Alfred Bruce just can't come back here and act like nothing happened when it's been a whole 10 years that has happened," I say to him

"Although it may or may not be true I am sure you have much you would like to say it him" he smiles "good day Ms. Clair,"

I inhale a sharp breath I turned around and saw one of the most unexpected people.

"Jane goodness you've changed I could never get you to go out with me" I looked behind me to see Enderson he was all grown I didn't smile "but I guess the guys back aren't he's gonna regret he was ever a way for so long"

"Let me remind you to keep your space and stay away from mine," I tell him before I am about to leave and then I look over to my left and see a tall man I furrowed my eyebrows I knew him from somewhere I was about to follow him when.

"Look at you" I looked to my right and see the Queen of Gotham Barbra Kean it's been a long time since I've seen her "you've changed a lot" she smirks "Bruce is gonna regret being gone all those years" I roll my eyes at the comment.

"Follow me please" she raises an eyebrow but follows me.

45 minutes Later after Riddler is caught and finding out the creepy way Jeremiah Valeska never was Braindead.

I didn't budge from the top of my apartment I only looked around the city. I let the air go through my hair and then I feel a wind behind me and if feel his presence. Bruce.

"Your there aren't you," I ask not looking behind me "Do you know what you did just were all I wanted I know you left to protect me but I don't need you to protect me all I wanted was you" I look up at the moon and a tear slips my eye "please just say something"

"There was no other way Jane I had to go" he responds after year's of not hearing his voice my ears hear the melody and I take slow but uncontrollable breaths

"So...what happens now oh nightly knight of the dark that comes out of the nothing," I ask him

"I don't know but one thing is for sure I'm never leaving Gotham again" my breaths stop and for a second everything is slow. I look back slowly but I only see the tip of a shadow and it's gone. I turn again to see the light.

"In the darkness, there will be light" I smirk when I see the light I am sure both Gordon and Alfred lit up in the night sky. It was his light. I ran down the stairs of the building and walked down the alley taking out my watch.

"Red I need you" I called for my Motorbike that now had a name

"On my Way" it responds and I run in heels "Alert in Spotting of Jeremiah Valeska and a new Hero in Gotham"

"Why am I not surprised" I look back to the light and see his figure in the light Alfred and Gordon had lit. The Dark Knight is here. . .

                                                                                               THE END

(Only extras are left)

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