Chapter 14

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Wayne Mansion \ Jane Clair

"Don't you know it's wrong to keep a guy waiting" Live on television Jerome said "Bring me my hostages Gordon the trigger finger is getting a little impatient"

"The hostages he wants are his brother and you," the man said Bruce had walked forward but I stayed back only watching closely. "I don't like it more than you do Bruce but you have to trust me Lucius and I have a plan," Gordon said but when Jerome started speaking again I looked over to the television.

"You know I don't think I am being taken seriously enough," Jerome said "enie Minne miney mo ones of these people gotta go" he pressed a button and I watched as one of the persons who sat behind him Is head was blown off. "Oh well guess it's him" the screams of people filled the audio.

"You see what that, then man is off his rocker he can not be trusted," Alfred said

"Don't need to say that twice?" I said

"Bruce with your help we can prove more deaths" Gordon spoke up again for a moment there was no more than silence.

"What's the plan?" Bruce asked

"Jerome is using a short trigger that is a dead man switch if we could cut the signal he will no longer be able to activate that system" Gordon responds

"This uses a powerful signal deactivating any signal near it," Lucius said holding out some control in his hand "so any devices of Jerome's near this will be useless"

"With that, it will buy us enough time to get a clean shot at Jerome with the snipers" Gordon adds

"It'll give us enough time to take out the victims" Bruce replies and Gordon nods.

"You sure it'll work" Alfred asked

"Positive.... 99% positive" Lucius responds

"What are we waiting for people need our help," Bruce said and Gordon and Lucius walked out

Third Person View

Although Bruce and Jeremiah had arrived as Jerome had asked he didn't realize the other hostages he had.

"The boy who cleaned his room did his homework got good grades little Mr. Perfect here went to the nest schools top grades and all while I was tired to the circus and ended up having to clean up after elephants do you know how big that is" Jerome explained sitting by his brother "but one thing I knew that daddy and mommy didn't know was...your just as crazy as I am" he stood up and took out a pocket knife flicking it open and waving it around his brothers face "It's in your DNA Just like it is in mine we are practically identical you are a killer," he said as cut if the cuffs from his hands and Jeremiah shook in fear he would cut his hands off "it's your nature... Now try to find it" he took the pocket knife and handed it to Jeremiah hesitantly he took it and Jerome stepped back his arms open.

"Take your best shot," he said Jeremiah shook and then charged screaming to stab Jerome but he was too slow for him and Jerome punched him and then he laughed.

In the crowd of people where Gordon and Lucius a man walked up to them speaking to Gordon.

"Just to let you know scarecrows coming over with a bunch of chemicals that the Wayne chemists mixed up," and then he ran away to carry out the man that wherein the open ready to shoot Jerome but ends up getting shot by Jerome's men.

"Oh no this is what he wants he wants a big crowd he's going to let the laughing gas out here EVACUATE EVERYONE FROM HERE" Gordon shouted to the officers who started guiding the crowds of panicked people out. "Time to kill this maniac once and for all"

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