Chapter 13

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Wayne Mansion \ Bruce Wayne

"Why did you run from Gordon," Alfred asked "you could've told him it was you

" I just I don't know... I wanna help people Alfred" I said as he finished the last bandage wrap around my hand. "And if that means accepting every part of myself good or bad then I do... It's what my parents would've wanted"

"Your parents would be proud of you, I'm proud of you," he says and then stands to walk away but before he leaves.

"Alfred" I called and he looks back, "if you need a ride back to Gotham I can take you"

But he shook his head "no I'm not going anywhere sir I'm home"

Next-Day Jane Clair

On a Saturday and being woken up by a bucket of cold water your teacher put on the roof of your bed for not showing up on the roof when you were told so I have to wash my bed covers unless I want Aunt Lucy to get the wrong idea and think I peed on my bed. Right, when that finished I dried everything hoping Aunt Lucy would sleep in late. I ended up relying on that hope Aunt Lucy would sleep in the sense she went to sleep late. I went out through the window jumping out into the roof of the building and I ran to Wayne Mansion.

10 minutes Later

When I eventually made it I found it somewhat awkward just to enter through the front door so it took me a while but I looked around eventually making up my mind to enter through the kitchen window once I made it In I realized Bruce was there.

"Since when do you like using the window to come in," Bruce asked leaning on the counter watching me. "What are you doing here"

"Nothing bad I just wanted to see you were alive" I respond turning around to close the window

"Why were you worried or something I think I'm supposed to be the one worried after you just disappeared" he responds I smile softly.

"I can take care of myself very well Bruce Besides you can't blame me there were a lot of men with a lot of guns," I say he only stares at me and I find we have an awkward silence exactly what I wanted to avoid. "Whatever happened to Jerome Valeska"

Bruce stiffened I knew Jerome was taken to an asylum but nothing more.

"Jerome, Jerome escaped he's out again" he blurts out but I could tell he wasn't finished.

"You want something don't you," I asked "I can help you just speak up"

"I can't," he says I looked at him straight in the eyes going closer to him.

"I am not the Jane from months ago I've changed I can handle myself and all this you know that" he sighs

"Follow me" I smirk and follow him.

A few minutes later

"When I asked you if I could help I didn't think it would involve the GCPD," I say

"We just need a few files except I don't yet have a plan to get the files," he says

"I can pick locks I'm good at it all I need is to get in" when we arrived at the office we were getting the files out of we stopped and Bruce looked at me closely.

"You're not the Jane Clair I knew as a kid you're different but I guess in a good way" I sighed at his comment taking out a sharp one from my pocket.

"I did say that"..." Make sure nobody's looking" I left going into the room and Bruce followed shortly. The 3 cabinets went in alphabetical order by last names on the last one I played around with the pin moving it from side to side.

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