Chapter 5

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Jane Clair / 3 hours later that same day

I was currently on the ground after my as she liked to be called tutor was training me.

"Okay that's all for today you kinda have with you now a sample of what you are going to learn here do you wish to continue," she asks

I wasn't sure if I was to continue but under all that doubt, I felt something inside me telling me to say yes "yes",

"Alright we train every Saturday only on that day and from 8 to 10 am so 3 hours," she said I knew it could and would be hard but I nodded talking my jacket from the ground Katie walked me out we were back on the little shop opening the door she slammed it shut locking It. I didn't know how I could explain this to Aunt Lucy but I needed to make a good reason why I supposably was at the Waynes Mansion for three hours.

Bruce Wayne

I woke up not long ago in a cell unaware of where I was. I looked around to see if I could find a way out and when the door suddenly opened I walked out only to find out I was in a maze where a man stood calling himself a Shanman who somehow had me relive the death of my parents reliving it I had to see my parents die in front of me once again I relived the funeral and the moment I had to let go of Jane because she was moving away from Gotham and then I fell asleep with his voice telling me to rest we would continue later.

Weeks Later about 3

The last three weeks training was tight tighter than what I expected Katie wasn't going east on me she had high expectations and for the most part, it had paid off because I had learned and masters 3 things she called the key to the training we where moving into the fundamentals next week so right at the moment I had time to my homework. Aunt Lucy was talking a few afternoon time to tutor to I has right now in the library. I walked around the library and when I walked the far back I saw someone standing and when they turned.

"What are you doing here," I asked

"Hello to you too Jane," Bruce said

"How did you get into the school wait why are you here" I kept asking

"I wanted to see you I missed you" I raised my eyebrow Bruce and I were close friends but even he would ask of telling me that.

"Bruce are you okay I think you hit your head," I said not understanding "your acting weird"

"I'm sorry I guess I just didn't sleep well last night" I crossed my arms I wasn't buying any of this

"You know I just came for this book on physics so to giver you some space to straighten things up I'm going to go" I started to walk away but he started following me

"Things have changed," he said

"What you know I shouldn't I'm gonna go," I said walking away

"Jane I'm not Bruce" I stopped in my tracks and turned around for some reason I believed him I turned around.

"Where is Bruce," I asked

"Jane," he said but I pushed at him slamming the book on the ground

"Where-is-he," I asked

"He's fine he's just not in Gotham nothing bad is going to happen to him" he answered

"Then where is he," I asked

"That doesn't matter what matters is you leave Gotham forever and never come back and you must today the city will be judged and many will die to trust me," he said I backed up two steps

"Trust you I don't even know who you are" I picked up my book and started speed walking away

"Where are you going," he asked I kept going but he ran grabbing my hand

"Where are you going," he asked

"To tell Alfred I don't care if I have to run out of the school now let me go before I scream and get the attention of security," I said

"Jane you can't under any circumstances tell anyone," he says

"Then why would you tell me" is shoot back

"Because I am starting to care about you," he says letting go of my arm "if there is going to be one person I save ifs you"

"You know that's the difference between Bruce Wayne and you Bruce Wayne would try to save everyone," I say "you're in your rights to pretend all you want but you'll never be him" " your not even a real person"

"You don't matter" he shoots back

"Your wrong about that I do matter" I responded "And I'm telling Alfred"

"I won't let you," he says

"How will you stop me," I say before running he ran after me grabbing my hands I kicked him flipping him over and started to run into a corner by mistake I tried to hide but it was useless he was right in front of me now I aimed a punch at his face only to have him dodge it put a tiny piece of fabric on my face the last piece of consciousness I had I heard a window being opened and a force pushing me out and I felt myself falling.

Bruce Wayne

"What do you want" I shouted I looked down to shadow figures laid. "Why did you bring me here this is where my parents were killed"

"No this is where I was born," the shadowy figure above said before he started to jump on me.

Jane Clair

I woke up in a cave a Bat cave where the first person I saw was Kate Kane.

"Your awake," she said I was lying down when I tried to sit up my side was hurting and Kate put me down. "Stay down you are going through a very slow process"

"I need to go," I said once again trying to get up but she pushed me down.

"No stay down listen what happened to you as you fell out of your library three stories down okay look what happened and your still alive" I blinked I'd forgotten about my fall

"I need to go," I said but Kate put her hands on my shoulders tightly


"To the Wayne manor," I respond

"For what," she asked

"To give someone a good whack," I said

"You cant at least not now listen you are currently at home finishing homework eating a dry carrot salad at your aunt's apartment," Kate said I furrowed my brows.

"What do you mean," I asked

"I mean I had to make up a story that a boy picked you up and took you home he called himself Bruce Wayne and the huge window on the library were a few students messing around throwing books that's the best I could come up with oh yeah and you need to let all that venom get through all of you"

"Venom," I asked

"Venom what are you talking about," I ask

"Clair Jane is semi-dead you are alive because a bat bit you and that's why your side hurts it bit you there your alive because it gave you another life listen to me when I tell you you can jump a building from a long distancence and it will be like your flying to the next building you can blend into the dark like nobody had before but there's one catch to all of it. That thing decides when you get your abilities that's one thing I do not understand"

"So what your saying is I'm not 100 percent human," I say

"I guess you could say something like that," she said she looked at me for a second.

"How do you know all this," I asked

"I'll tell you just not today," Katie said "you can go now just make sure to stick to the story" I stood up my side didn't hurt she tossed me a bag "some clothes for you your old ones where full of blood you can pick them up on our next training course" I walked over to the bathroom I looked at myself in s small mirror I felt something different something that tried to justify itself in me I took off my shirt to see the mark the bat left and it looked like a bite that was in the process of healing. I brushed my fingers over the cut sometimes I asked myself if I was pretty or if people only said it because it's something they say to all girls as a gesture of kindness. I stopped putting on the shirt and the rest of the outfit before I walked out and wasting no time running to the Wayne Mansion.

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