Chapter 19

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6 minutes of searching Later \ Jane Clair

"BRUCE" I shout when I see his figure ad I start speed walking

"Jane you're wasting your time," Bruce says

"Bruce Ivy's pht a spell on you, you have to snap out of it," I say to him

"Your wrong Ivy's gave me a purpose," Bruce says and he starts to throw punches at me but I duck down and it's a bad time for my side to hurt and then I feel a rush of adrenaline go through me again.

"BRUCE STOP IT I DON'T WANT TO FIGHT YOU" but he doesn't stop instead he does end up punching me and throws me to a pile where I have to take deep breaths I touch my lips and see bloodstains.

"What are you planning to kill everyone who lives here," I say to him as he doesn't stop fighting

"The toxins will only kill all people" he responds "plants will adapt they always do"

"Are you hearing yourself" then he punches me once again and sends me to the pipe again where my side starts hurting again and this time I charge at Bruce slamming him on the floor?

"I shouldn't be surprised you're gonna leave Gotham anyway you don't care DON'T CARE ABOUT ANY OF THE PEOPLE STAYING HERE," I say to him punching and punching and punching his face uncontrollably.

"Jane," Bruce says I stop and take a deep breath and then I lay my head on his chest.

"I'm so sorry Bruce I'm so sorry," I say to him, and then I left my head.

"I'm okay we have to stop Lucius," he says

"Okay" I help him up and both of us run Bruce leading the way to Lucius. We went into what I guess was the control center. We ran inside and there was Lucius he looked back at us with a smile it was obvious how Ivy had hypnotized him.

"Lucius you have to stop the shutdown," Bruce says to him and he only smiled more

"Oh no I can't do that Ivy would be so mad," he says keeping that smile plastered on his face Bric looked at! e and I looked at him we both looked back at Lucius

"Listen I used Ivy's perfume on you to hypnotize you she's using you," Bruce said

"Oh, no Ivy would never do that" I rolled my eyes at his words walking up to him and stepping on the table I looked back at Bruce.

"We don't have time for this," I say to him and use my led to slam his head. He hugs his head and I get down the table to stand by Bruce "sorry"

"You hit me right in the head," he said in pain "I didn't have a choice Bruce where is Ivy" he's still for a second and then looks back at me.

"She was headed to the GCPD," Bruce says

1 month Later

A month had gone by and to recall where we last left of Ivy never showed up it was odd that we never did but what a way to think about things when you were at a wedding. I stood by Bruce as we watched the wedding of Lee and Jim Gordon. I smiled at the happy couple

"He seems nervous," Bruce says referring to Jim

"I know he should be I mean marrying a woman who's smarter and better looking than he is who wouldn't" I respond I don't look at Bruce but I can feel his eyes on me.

"Jane..while I was hypnotized and we were fighting you mentioned me leaving Goth-" but I cut him off there

"Shh,h here she comes" and so he's quiet but recalling those moments only made me bad so I shook it off and focused on this joyful occasion.

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