Chapter 11

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Jane Clair

As I made it to the Wayne Mansion I heard music blast out and I furrowed my eyebrows had Bruce changed. That Much. I continued to walk and the closer I got I saw a figure who was also about to walk in I ran to see it was Alfred.

"Alfred" I called

"Mrs. Clair what a surprise," he said

"You host parties now," I asked he sighed and smiled kindly at me.

"No not really it was Bruce he's a bit shaken up. With all the respect Mrs. Clair I don't think it's such a good idea to be here right now"

"I understand it's just well rumored at school about Bruce being seen at a club and well I wanted to see if he had changed but I wasn't sure if I should come because I thought today was tour camping trip day" both Alfred and I sighed " ill let you handle this I better go"

Alfred smiled kindly before turning and opening the door the music suddenly cut of and as I walked away I heard a scream

"EVERYBODY OUT EXCEPT FOR YOU" I could imagine Alfred pointing at Bruce and even though I would like to go back and see I knew this was something between Alfred and Bruce.


"You have certainly shown a new side of you have by you Master Bruce," I say

"Save it Alfred" he responds "you tell me a story about my dad and you, you except me to get all weepy and you to have no idea what I'm going through we are not alike"

"Then talk to me let me know tell me how I can help you," I say

"You can't I did what I did I killed Rah" he adds "I avenged my parent's death and nothing changed nothing happened. What did I do it for how can you help me with that?"

"I cam help you with what your feeling you just need to tell me to explain to me you have to face who you are," I say

"STOP TELLING ME WHO I AM" he shouts " I know who I am and If you want to help me you can stop being my Dad and be my butler clean this place up"

1 Week Later Third Person view

As time went by Alfred respected Bruce is claim of being nothing but his Butler and as the weeks went by Jane counted the days that waited for her to go back with the 4 months being nearly at their end. In those weeks Jane had heard none stop about Bruce drinking partying but she hadn't gone to see once again herself although truly the way she saw things Bruce was becoming the billionaire jerk and Alfred was the one always caring for him and getting him out of trouble so in this case, she hoped Alfred was alright. During the time being she kept waiting to hear anything about Kaite but nothing the notes had stopped coming in so she was starting to doubt she would ever come back but she would have to be prepared for when she did.


A police car came over to report a noise complaint had been filed for Bruce is none stop partying with his extremely loud music when that happened I know I just couldn't stand there and act like just a butler.

"What is this" Bruce asked watching how I packed a few things

"It's a little project of mine called the operation to save Bruce Wayne. Switzerland a few months in the alps you'll be good as new" I say

"Are you going to kidnap me?" he asked ridiculously

"No I am going to appeal to your better angles and if that doesn't work I shall beg. Please Master Bruce if for no other reason do it for me" I ask practically begging already

"Do you know how much during this time I have thought about Rah and my parent's none Alfred all you offer me is pain?" Bruce says

"There is no love no joy," I say

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