Chapter 17

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Jane Clair \ Gotham City Hospital

"Bruce please don't leave," I say as I'm on a bed and medical workers rapidly take me

"It's alright Jane everything is going to be alright" Bruce is stopped by a nurse and I cry for him but I am taken to a room where I was put something on my nose and my eyes close asleep.

Third Person

While Jane is put into major surgery Jeremiah was taken into the custody of the police and escaped unfortunately because of her age Janes's parents found out so they were in the hospital and to make matters worse Bruce is kidnapped by Rah later after most of the day goes by.

"It will be a miracle if she lives she's lost so much blood," the doctor says to Janes parents "she may wake up in the transport but that she may stay awake is another story"

Jane Clair \ Gotham City Hospital \ 3 Hours and 20 Minutes Later

I wake up in the hospital bed.

"Bruce... Bruce" I call but only see my mom and dad.

"Jane oh Jane my baby I'm so glad you're okay," my mom said her hand grazing through my hair and her eyes full of tears my dad only stood in the dark trying to hide his tears that glistened slightly on the light.

"Where's Bruce," I asked my mom ignored my question and just sunk her head on my lad massaging my hand my dad looked down, and then he walked out. "Mom what's going on"
She dramatically swung her head up her hair doing a flip her eyes red and her teeth clutched together.

"What's wrong what's wrong" she reacted whispering she stood up "WHAT'S WRONG IS YOU SNUCK OUT AND NEARLY DIED AND YOU STILL MIGHT" I didn't say anything I only stared at her. "Your Aunt Lucy is packing your things were leaving as soon as the doctor says you can go"

I panicked unable to sit up "no, no I cant mom please I don't want to go I want to stay please I don't want to go"

"NO NO I TRIED, BELIEVE ME, I TRIED I TRIED TO LEAVE YOU HERE TO LET YOU STAY I TRIED BUT YOU have been SHOT YOU NEARLY DIED YOU MIGHT NOT BE ABLE TO WALK AGAIN" she stopped and looked another way a tear slipped out of my eyes I might not be able to walk again... "you know all those years ago your father never got a job offer we left to keep you from Bruce Wayne after his parents where killed"

"I want to stay mom please let me" my mom looked at me and rushed to me

"I just want you to be safe I love you my best Jane my little girl my moonflower," she said for a while she only stayed that way for a second before she stood "I better go see where your dads at" she walked out of the room and I sit there I lookout for a second and see how dark it is. Is it already that late.

"Breaking News" I looked up to the television where a bridge lit up on fire and I panic I try to move to get up and help a few people out of the bridge but it was useless I only ended up moving my left foot across I slammed my hands down and started to cry. I felt so useless.

Third Person view

Jane fell asleep her parents left to continue packing and Bruce sat by her she was pale but the doctor said it was normal she was going through something big that could make drastic life changes. Nobody knew what was happening inside of her or her dreams or what dramatic change she was going through a change that would change Jane Clair for the rest of her life.

Jane Clair

I'm lying down on a cold surface I'm facing the night sky I slowly sit up and realised when I sit up I'm on a building and I was lying on cement I looked around and saw the city of Gotham it was so calm and then I fall as I fall I land on rocks I'm in a cave. I panicked sitting up and then hear footsteps I rapidly stand up looking around.

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