Chapter 16

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Jane Clair

I left the adults to watch the news as I walked to my room to get ready and leave but then my phone rang.

"Hello," I said

"Ms. Clair I imagine you've heard about Jerome's followers at the GCPD station," Alfred says

"I heard I'm on my way," I said

"That's exactly the point you can't be on your way now listen it's too dangerous with the crazy man's army so you have to trust in me and Master Wayne you cant come"

"Alright," I said

"Thank you and goodbye miss Clair" Alfred hangs up and I worry but I set my things down and walked back out of my room.

1 Hour Later

Aunt Lucy was out Dad was asleep and so mom and I were in my room.

"I like how you decorated your room" mom said

"Thank you" I respond and she looks at the photos I think when I had first arrived.

"How am I not surprised you have a picture of Bruce Wayne speaking of Bruce where is he," mom asked

"He's being Bruce Wayne" I respond she smiles and looks out the window I normally snuck out of.

"Would you like to know why we came so late?" she asked "your father didn't want to it was my fault I brought up the fact that you wouldn't want to come back you'd stay in Gotham"

I remained silent.

"I know I'm right he does to he just doesn't want to admit his daughter had it marked from the day she first met Bruce Wayne she would fall in love with him and always want to stay in Gotham City he kept saying no no she's still a baby shes coming back with us. He stopped she I threw to him our reality when we were kids and so we know we can force you to go back even though for a year more your still under our custody you're on your last high school year and well" she broke up into tears after not speaking anymore

"You know me mom I don't want to go back I want to stay here but I don't want you and dad to be sad because we'll be away if it's worrying you don't have to" I respond

"I know I know I guess it's just now seeing you grow up that's making me feel like time is going too fast I feel like a day ago you were the redhead little girl always spending her time around Bruce the girl who showed boys how it was done in sports and then magically your grown-up your smart kind responsible you're almost all grown up," mom said "but anyway forget that I've been acing to ask whats happened between you and Bruce"

"A lot of things have happened" I took a pillow and covered my face with it

"What tell me please," my mom said as if this were some of the Turkish, Spanish, and Brazilian soap operas she watches on TV.

"I kissed him," I said I could tell mom was about to faint but she didn't she hugged me tightly.

"You kissed him my little girl had her first kiss and I wasn't here" I lightly tapped her shoulder and she let me go so I could catch my breath. "How did it happen to tell me all about it" I yawned and when I was about to tell her she stood. "You can tell me tomorrow right now you need to go to sleep besides I have kept you talking for a while and it's almost night completely good night Jane," she said hugging me

"Good night mom" I hug her and she leaves my room and I only wonder what has become of Bruce and Alfred.

Next-Day \ Jane Clair

It's a no school day so I wake up and get ready for the day to only think and anxiously awaiting the proper moment to see if I could go after Bruce and Alfred. I walked out of my room into the living room all three adults were wide awake.

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