~Chapter Two~

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Kylie's Pov
   We walked out of the DX and Soda stopped at the front of my car. "Are you sure about this?" "I hope I don't regret it," I said laughing. He laughed and continued on to the car. He got in and started up the car. "Where to?" I thought for a bit. "Just follow my directions." He just nodded. We ended up at a lake and he smiled. "How do you know about this place?" He turned and looked at me. I smiled remembering hanging out here when I was younger. "Me and my best friend used to come her when I was younger." I sighed and frowned. "But when I was ten, my brother made me stop hanging out with him since he was a greaser. See. I grew up loving greasers and Socs. And my feelings won't ever change." He smiled. "Who was your friend?" I giggled thinking about him. "Well his name is Keith, but he has always gone by Two-Bit. It's been six years since I have spoken to him. My brother threatened him and said that he could never talk to me at school." His eyes got wide. "You were best friends with Two-Bit?" "Yep. We did everything together. We even found this lake together. Why? Do you know him?" He smiled. "Of course I do. He is in my gang. He is always hanging around my house." My jaw dropped. He looked a bit confused. "Would you please take me to see him?" He thought for a minute and then grinned. "Why don't you just meet the whole gang?" I smiled really wide. "I'd love that. I'm tired of having rude Soc friends that don't care about my feelings." He nodded and drove to his place. He looked at me before getting out of the car. "Thank you for letting me drive." I looked directly at him and we locked eyes. He grinned and I blushed. "Anytime." I turned away a bit embarrassed. We got out and I followed behind Soda. He opened the door. "Honey, I'm home!" He screamed. I giggled a bit. "Would you shut up?" A random voice said back. "Guys, I'd like you to meet my new friend, Kylie." He smiled and moved out of my way, so everyone could see me. Everyone looked at me. There were seven boys in the front room. Three on the couch. Two on the ground. And one in an armchair. I recognized one of the boys on the couch as Steve. Then I saw Two-Bit. He was on the floor leaning against the couch. His eyes widened when he saw me. Tears began falling down my face. He jumped up and ran to me. He grabbed me and spun me around. He put me down and just stared into my eyes. "Kylie! It's really you! I missed you so much!" He stopped and stepped back. "Wait a minute. Does Samuel know you are here? Does your parents?" I looked down at the ground. "No one does except you guys." Two sighed in relief. "Good because I ain't looking for a black eye." I looked around and realized everyone was staring at me confused. "Soda, where'd you find this fine broad? And how does Two-Bit know her?" The boy that said this looked older than me. I've seen him around. "Are you Dallas Winston?" He grinned. "Yes I am doll. You've heard of me?" I nodded. "A lot. And none of it is anything good. But I try to see the good in everyone so I didn't listen to most of it." Dallas huffed and rolled his eyes. "You don't seem like a Soc I've ever met." "I ain't, Dallas. I don't like diversity. And I sure don't like beating people up for fun." He laughed a bit. "Call me Dally. And nice to meet ya." I looked at everyone else. They were all silent. Soda stepped forward towards the couch. "Kylie, this is Pony." He then  pointed to the guy in the armchair. "And that is Darry." I waved and smiled. "Nice to meet you Pony and Darry." They both smiled. "It's nice to meet you, Kylie. I'm glad you aren't like other Socs," Darry said. "Yeah. You seem really nice. And pretty," Pony added on. I laughed and blushed. "Well thank you." Soda continued. "That is Johnny. And over there is Steve, but you already met him." "I've also already met Johnny. We have classes together." I smiled and looked back at Soda. "Well. That's the gang. You are welcome to hang out with us if you want. We were gonna go see a movie at the Drive In in a bit." "I'd love to go," I smiled. Soda smiled back at me. I really just wanted to get to know Soda more. While we waited for the time to leave for the movie , we all talked. Me and Two-Bit caught up and I had many laughs with the others. Sometimes they would load me with questions, but I was fine with that. I answered all of them truthfully. "So, you met Soda because your car broke down?" I nodded to answer Pony's question. "Wow, my old best friend met me again through boredom." Everyone laughed at Two-Bit's joke. "At least I got to see you again," I added on.

Sodapop's Pov
   We all sat at the kitchen table talking and joking. They kept laying questions on Kylie, but I didn't think they would start on me. Two-Bit looked at me and smiled. "What were you thinking when you saw her walk in?" I blushed a bit which made a few 'oooos' and 'awwws'. Two-Bit laughed. "Well, I saw her walking down the sidewalk. I didn't realize I was staring at her. She entered the store and I looked down at the register fast before she realized I was blushing." I looked at Kylie and she was blushing. "First thing that ran through my mind was, 'wow'." Kylie seemed in shock and embarrassed. "What about after that?" Pony questioned. "Well, I realized she was a Soc. At first, I came off mean, but she seemed different. She didn't seem like others. She seemed nervous and nice. Like a lost puppy." I grinned a bit. Kylie was still blushing. "I apologized and got to know her. That's when I realized how nice she was. And how different she was from other Socs. She's. Um. She's." Two-Bit cut me off. "Were you looking for the word perfect?" I got a bit embarrassed. Kylie looked at me shocked and was as red as a tomato. I chuckled a bit and finished my sentence. "You could say that. It just seemed to good to be real. But she is real." I smiled wide and they all looked at me. "You got him," Darry said smiling. He looked at Kylie when he talked. She blushed and looked at me. All I could do was smile. "Hey, it's been five months since the last one. And I like this one a whole lot better. The last one was a no good bitch," Dally went off on me.

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