~Chapter Fourteen~

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Darry's Pov
   Pony and Aspen came back into the house, giggling away. "What did y'all do?" I asked. Aspen smiled and looked at Pony. "We watched the sunset," she said blushing bright red. Pony shined his teeth. I laughed as the two sat down and joined the gang, watching Mickey Mouse. Pony seemed so happy. The phone rang so went and picked it up. "Curtis Residence," I said in a soft tone. "Hey, Darry. I was wondering if you wanted to go for a walk. I'll meet you at the lot," the girl on the other end said. Her name is Michelle Robles. We met at Dingo and Jay's. She came from Florida for a photography job. She was taking photos of Dingo and Jay's when I saw. She looked all cute and stuff. "Sure. I'll be there in a few minutes," I said putting down the phone. I walked back to the living room and cleared my throat. Everyone looked at me. "I'll be back. I gotta go help a buddy jump his car," I said, trying to sound convincing. "Ok. See you in a bit," Soda said back to me. I nodded and walked out the door. Our house wasn't far from the lot. I walked over and noticed her. Her red hair swaying in the wind. I looked over at her. Her eyes met mine. She had gorgeous green eyes. I walked closer to her, carefully examining each freckle on her face. "Hi, Darry," she said in a soft voice. I walked up and our bodies stood only inches apart. "It's nice to see you again," I said with a toothy grin. She smiled and blushed a bit. I took her hand and we began walking.

Kylie's Pov
   We had been sitting here watching Mickey Mouse for hours now. Darry still wasn't back. Natalyn and Aspen left. You could tell Pony and Dally were both upset by that. I was sitting on Soda's lap while he played with my hair. He was trying to braid it. "Done," he said. I stood up and walked to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and smiled. "Did I do good?" Soda said, standing in the doorway. "You did great babe," I replied. He came over and put his hands around my waist. He kissed my cheek and then laid his head on my shoulder. We just swayed for a bit. Two ran into the bathroom and sighed once he saw us. "What the heck guys? Y'all have been in here for an hour just swaying side to side. We all thought you were banging," he said laughing. I looked up at Soda and kissed his cheek. "Is Darry back yet?" I asked. He shook his head. "He better not be hooking up with his friend," Soda said, using finger quotes when he said Friend. Me and Two laughed. We headed back into the living room and sat down. For a minute, everyone stared at us. They then turned their gaze back to Mickey. A few more hours passed and everyone was asleep. I lay awake, my head in Soda's lap and my feet and legs on Two and Pony. I got up and walked to the bathroom. Once I was done and entered the living room and found Darry sneaking in through the front door. He was followed by a red headed girl. I smiled at them. Then Darry noticed me. "Oh hey, Kylie. Whatcha doing up?" He asked shyly. "I had to go the bathroom. How about you?" I asked smirking. "Please don't tell the boys," he pleaded. I nodded and smiled at him. "Are y'all dating?" I asked. He nodded and smiled. "We only met a bit ago, but we like each other a lot," he said looking at her. They kissed which made me smile. "Well, y'all have fun. I'm going back to sleep," I said walking the couch. They slipped into Darry's room and that was the last I heard or saw of them. I laid my head back on Soda's lap and fell asleep. When I woke up, all the boys were crowded around me. "Finally she gets up," Two said laughing. I looked at him confused. "You knew Darry had a girlfriend?" Soda asked. "Huh. Darry has a girlfriend?" I said sarcastically. Pony pushed me back softly. Steve looked at me. "Why didn't you tell us?" He asked. "Calm down guys. I only found out last night," I told them. Soda shook his head. "You should of woke us up and told us," he replied. "Well, Darry asked me not to tell y'all. And it was like 2 am." I looked down at the ground, a bit said they were upset with me. "Hey, it's fine. Just tell us next time," Steve said. I nodded and laid my head back down on the couch. I closed my eyes only to find myself drifting back to sleep. I woke up to Darry shaking me. I looked around. No one was there besides me and Darry. I looked at him and blinked. "Why did you tell them I am dating Michelle?" I shook my head, still a bit asleep. "I didn't. They woke me up and told me they knew you were dating someone and that they knew I knew." I shrugged. "Why?" He sighed. "It's alright. I just didn't want them to find out so soon. I thought you had told them." I frowned. "You should know you can trust me Darry." He nodded and let out a sad smile. "Sorry Kylie. I shouldn't have doubted you." I smiled. "It's alright." He looked up and smiled back at me. He got up and went into his room. I went to Soda's room and grabbed all my stuff. "Tell Soda I'm going to my house. I'll be back in the morning," I yelled to Darry and then left for my car.

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