~Chapter Twelve~

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Kylie's Pov
   She turned around and his eyes widened. "Don't touch me!" She screamed in his face. He laughed. "And what are you gonna do about it?" He smiled. She raised her fist and punched him in the right side of his jaw. He jolted backwards. She looked at her fist and dropped it. She ran up to him. "I'm so sorry," she pleaded. "I didn't mean to hurt you," she began to cry. He shook his head. "Don't cry. I deserved it. Nice right hook by the way," he said smirking. She just blushed and turned around towards me. I rolled my eyes which made her laugh. Darry, Pony, Natalyn, me, and Soda got in Darry's truck. The others walked to the fence so they could sneak in. We paid our way in and then met with the others. Darry parked his truck backwards and threw a bunch of blankets in the back. Soda jumped out and opened my door. Before I could get out he grabbed me bridal style and set me in the back of the truck. I laughed and he jumped up onto the bed of the truck. He wrapped us up and we cuddled while watching the movie.

Natalyn's Pov
   Two-Bit and Steve kept cracking jokes which made me laugh the whole time. We were all sitting in Darry's truck at first. Two and Steve left to pick up chicks. Pony and Johnny followed because they couldn't get into the movie. Dally walked up to me. "Wanna go get some food?" I nodded and jumped out of the back. We were walking really close together. Our hands grazed each time took a step. He stopped for a second and turned to me. I stopped and looked at him. He just smiled so I started walking again. "The movies gonna be over before we get back if you don't come on," I said with tone in my voice. He laughed and ran up to me. We stopped in line and had our shoulders almost touching. He moved his arm back grazing my hand. He swung it back forward and stopped at my hand. He inched his fingers in between mine and looked at me. I grinned a bit and kissed his cheek. "You know, Dallas, you dig okay," I said smiling. He grinned at me and squeezed my hand tighter. I didn't even try to move it.

Kylie's Pov
   Dallas and Natalyn came back from the concessions laughing and talking like nothing happened. Then I saw their hands. They were holding hands. I nudged Soda to get his attention. He looked at me and I nodded over towards them. He looked past my head and smiled. "Didn't expect that," he hollered over to them. Natalyn blushed and Dallas grinned. "I did," I said laughing. Dallas looked really happy with Natalyn. I was happy for them. I laid my head on Soda's shoulder and he turned to kiss my cheek. Before he could I turned and his lips landed on mine. I deepened the kiss. He pulled away. "I love you, Kylie." "I love you too, Soda." I turned back and laid my head back on his shoulder. We lay there silently watching the movie. It was a comedy about two guys that like the same girl. It was pretty funny. At one point one guy named Harry caught his best friend Garry searching through the girls underwear drawer. That made me laugh so hard. When the movie ended, we all piled into the back of Darry's truck and drove home. Before we got home, we dropped Natalyn off at her house. It's funny because she lives in the middle of the greasers and Socs. Darry parked his truck and everyone got out. I guess I passed out because I woke up in Soda's arms. He laid me down on the bed and tucked me in. He walked back out of the room. I was gonna get up but I couldn't move. I fell asleep as soon as I closed my eyes. When I woke up, Soda was laying with me. I went to get up but he pulled me back. "Don't leave," he pleaded. I smiled and kissed his cheek. "I have school, remember?" I asked. He smiled and I knew he had a plan. "I don't have work so I thought we could hang out today. Maybe just stay here and cuddle?" He grinned and I couldn't help but smile. "I'd love too. And staying home sound great." I laughed and laid back down on him. Two busted through the door and me and Soda jumped up. "Sorry. Are you not going to school?" I shook my head. "Then can I drive your car?" I thought about it. "Sure, but if you wreck it I will end you." He nodded and laughed as he left. I turned back and laid down. I snuggled into Soda and he played with my hair. "You're cute when you snap at people." I just laughed and he grinned. I closed my eyes and drifted back asleep.

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