Chapter 13: The Grand Line

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Chapter 13: The Grand Line

Lucy cheered as the Grand Line came into view, Reverse Mountain had nearly given her a heart attack when she was forced to try and manipulate the sea and air currents as best she could in order to get Merry back on course. She could imagine Natsu and Gajeel heads over the side of the ship from the amount of motion sickness they would go through. It made her throw her head back and laugh louder. Now they were speeding down the mountain, still not below the clouds yet. But she could see it. She could see the greatest sea again, it was calmer than where she had been. But she knew that could change in a second. But as she looked at it now, stretched out before her, a rush came over her. It's beauty was undeniable. But so was it's power. This was the greatest test to all creatures living on this earth. Lucy looked back over her shoulder at her crew, all of them hanging on for dear life to Merry. But so long as she had them, she would make it, she knew it. And somewhere on this sea were more nakama of theirs. Just waiting for them.

"Lucy-chan! Nami-san!" Sanji cried out from the riggings, his voice nearly drowned out by the sound of the water. "There's a mountain down there. It looks like we're gonna crash into t!" Lucy looked at him, and then to Nami. No way there was a mountain there, the map hadn't been wrong so far. And even Nami was yelling at him that that wasn't right, that it was supposed to be straight sea after Reverse Mountain. "But it's true! I see it!" Sanji shouted back, and then they went through the clouds, and that heart attack came back. Nami and Usopp were screaming, Zoro, Loke, and Sanji were all screaming, and Lucy just sat at her seat. There was a huge...something blocking the entrance. They would crash into it at this rate. Lucy looked around and saw an opening to the left.

"To port, now! There's an opening to the left, we have to turn now!" Lucy shouted out and Usopp shouted back that the stern was broken. Zoro was on it, offering his strength to help turn it. Loke and Sanji were helping as well. Lucy got atop her seat and raised her left arm above her head, and pointed her right to the sea. She had never tried this before. But now was the best option to try something like this. Lucy forced her magic outwards. Half of her body engulfed in the celestial sky magic, and the other half in celestial water magic. If she could changed the wind and the water currents towards the left even just a bit, it may help their chances. But it was difficult. Controlling the elements on this large of a scale, and two at a time for that was near impossible, and this was also the Grand Line. She could feel the water fighting against her. It was a free entity. It would not obey her. She wasn't strong enough. She would have to try her hardest with the wind then. Backing off the water, Lucy focused. She jumped back, towards the mast and began to let a wind of large proportion form from her body, and then shot it back, propelling the ship in the direction she wanted. The massive winds she was creating against the already existing was exhausting to hold. Her arms were shaking from it. Finding it useless, Lucy brought her hands in front of her and forced the wind to collide with what they had discovered to be a whale. Stopping the ship in front of it a bit.

Lucy blew out a breath of air. Relief washed over her before she realized that she might of alerted the creature to their presence. Lucy looked up and began to panic. "It still hasn't noticed us for some reason! Let's get moving!" Zoro shouted and the paddles were produced almost instantly. Zoro and Loke on one side, and Usopp and Sanji on the other. Paddling like the wind around the large whale. As they moved around the whale Lucy saw its eye. It was still not looking at them. And Lucy was a little disturbed by its eyes. They looked so sad. Lucy gt closer to the railing and looked up. And looked down. Directly at her, and it let out a deafening wail, Lucy screamed herself. The sound causing her ears and head to ripple with pain. Her ears were echoing the sound in her head. Lucy hunched over the railing. In so much pain that she could do nothing as the Merry was beginning to be swallowed by the wail. And then she fell off the ship. In an attempt to save herself, Lucy was able to get her whip and slingshot herself to one of its teeth. It's mouth was beginning to close when she used her whip again to position her self at one of the grooves in its head. She began to climb, until she was on top of its head.

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