Alerrie- i'm here too....

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Storyline: Your Alerrie's daughter but they don't give you attention.

Your POV:

My class and I just finished the musical we have already been working on for a year now.

We did mean girls and I was Regina. It was so fun to do, everyone loved it and I'm so happy about that.

We were walking out of the door where all of our family's were waiting. We heard clapping and cheering from everyone making all of us smile even brighter.

I was pushing myself trough the crowd trying to find my parents, but of course they weren't here.

My dad probably just forgot, because he didn't have anything today and my mum had the girls over so she was to busy I guess.

I still had my outfit on because I didn't have time to change. Which was a dress that was super short and I was on heels.

I was walking home but half way it started raining. When I came home I was crying, shivering and soaked.

I walked towards the stairs, you have to go trough the kitchen and living room to get there.

I walk in the living room and see my mum laughing and talking with the girls. She was so busy she didn't even see her own daughter soaked, crying and extremely cold.

"Y/n?" Mom asks as I walk toward the stairs.

"What?" I say, my voice cracking a little. My voice was strained and hoarse from the weather and from singing so much.

"Are you crying? Come here." She ordered. I walk out of the kitchen to the living room. "Oh shit baby, I'm so sorry." She says and stands up. She tries to hug me but I push her away.

"No mum. We've been working on this musical for a year maybe even longer. I'm used to you and dad forgetting about me, but this is just unacceptable!" I yell. She just looks at me with hurt and guilt in her eyes. "But all the parents got a video on this so you can watch it, or not I don't really care anymore." I say and hand her a USB-stick.

She wanted to stop me but I pushed her hand away and ran upstairs.

-Saturday night-

Today was my first football game for Liverpool, Yes Liverpool. I got selected to play with the girls team for one game and if I'm good enough, I can officially play with them.

"Ready to go?" I ask as I walk down the stairs.

"Ready to go where?" Dad asks. I see that he's dressed up, way to dressed up for a football match.

"Your dad and I are going a date, and where are you going?" Mum asks.

"Of course you forgot." I sigh and walk out of the house.

"Y/n! Get back now!" Mum yells. I ignored her and just kept walking until I got to the field.

"Hey y/n! Did your parents forget?" My best friend, Sam says as she hugs me.

"Yeah, they're going on a date. I told them a week before and yesterday, but they still forgot." I mumble and pull away.

"Your parents are assholes." She says.

"They are." I laugh.

We change and warm up. A little later the game starts. Of course I start on the bench, but after 20 minutes I got to play on midfield.

The rest of the game went amazing. I scored 2 goals! They also said I can play with them.

I changed and walked home again. I see that the lights are still on which means that my parents just came home.

"Y/n, where were you?" My dad asks worried and a little mad.

"You should know that. You're my parents and you are supposed to be there with me if I'm getting amazing news. I'm playing for Liverpool now, but you obviously don't care!" I shout and run upstairs.

-Friday morning-

It's been almost a week since the fight between me and my parents. I haven't been talking to them since. They're trying to remember things but they just don't.

Today is my birthday and I have the day off, not because it's my birthday but because the teachers had a meeting the whole day or something.

I walk downstairs in the hope to see a birthday breakfast or something birthday related.

"Good morning." Dad mumbles without looking up from the paper he was reading.

I already have tears in my eyes but I won't let them spill. I quickly blink them away and clear my throat.

"Good morning." Mum says and sits down next to dad.

She starts Snapchating people, making funny faces and pictures of my dad.

"Are you serious?" I ask making both of them look up.

"What's wrong?" Mum asks.

"You forgot? It's my birthday." I say, my voice quiet because this psychically hurts in my chest. I burst out in tears. They look at each other, their mouths agape and a shocked look on their face.

"We didn't forget, I promise." Mum says a little panicky.

"You think I believe that?" I ask and laugh a little.

"We'll give you anything you want, please just forgive us." Dad says and stands up.

"I'm going to Nan's." I say and walk out the door.

They don't even follow me, they don't even shout my name or anything.

"Hey nan." I smile as I walk in the house.

"Happy birthday love." Nana Debbie smiles and gives me a hug. "Where are your parents?" She asks.

"They forgot, again." I sigh as she pulls away.

"Oh sweetie, I'll talk to your mom." She says and grabs her phone.

She dials mums number and starts shouting at her.

"Perrie, you don't forget your daughters birthday! What kind of mom are you!?" She shouts in the phone.

"I'm sorry! Where both just really busy! And it's really hard to have a teenage daughter when your a famous pop star!" Mum shouts back.

"Have you seen how Beyoncé or JLO love and care about there teenage daughters?!" Grandma shouts back.

Thats how my birthday went they shouted at each other and I just sat there.

The rest of the week I stayed at my grandmas.

Part 2??

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