47. Rewrite the Stars

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(This chapter actually takes place before Kook goes to give the news to Tae)

Third Person’s P.O.V:

“Lit’tle frr-end is sleep” Minjae spoke placing his ear to Jin’s extended bump and he couldn’t help but smile seeing him softly pet it believing he was caressing his ‘little friend’.

“Yeah, she’s asleep” he assured petting the child’s head and he beamed at him, displaying his tiny front teeth. Jin gazed at the boy who now got busy in waddling about while he thought to himself what an adorable little gift he was, who had arrived in the middle of such difficulties and what a a wonderful job Jimin and Namjoon had done in keeping him safely away from all that has been going around.

He sighed, silently telling himself that he too will have to learn the same from them and try his best to not let his baby feel Taehyung’s absence.

He knew that he has people around him to help me through it all and yet he wasn’t really sure about how much stronger he’ll need to be to pull through this situation till Taehyung could come along.

“What are you thinking hmm?” Jimin came to sit beside him, handing him a plate of sandwiches and fruits as he got busy in feeding Minjae.

“Nothing much…just how are things going to be when she finally joins the family” “Jae’s gonna be delighted I can tell you that…aren’t you Jae? Aren’t you excited about meeting your li’l friend?”

Jin giggled seeing him speak in baby voice to the child and Jae jumping and giggling at the words.

“Relax Jin, we’re all here…don’t stress yourself thinking about this, although I know it’s very difficult. Truly speaking, I have no idea how I’d go through it all if Joon wasn’t by my side” he spoke as he carried on feeding Jae "children are sensitive, and to think that he's going to grow up to live carrying within everything we teach or whatever he learns everyday makes me feel utterly responsible about every single step I take" and Jin felt worry grip at him again.

“She is gonna be fine, I know…I have all of you by me” he spoke while his hand went to settle on his heavy bump in its own volition. He felt Jimin’s hand gently caress his shoulders, assuring him as the other tried to cheer him up “so, it’s Saturday tomorrow…you wanna tell him about what the doctor said?”

Jin nodded, agreeing that it’d be better if Taehyung knew that he was very close to the due date and the doc expects it to be soon enough. He thought that at least knowing that would help him not to worry too much, especially because he was sure it’ll take him some time to get back to the routine of going to visit Taehyung again.

For Jin the last few months had been tough, there was no doubt about that but somehow hopeful as well, he had lived in utter fear during the time of Taehyung’s trials and had freaked out when he had learnt about the way he had been hurt and put into seclusion. It was when Hobi, Kook and Namjoon had gotten Taehyung shifted to this new prison that Jin could finally breathe in relief, grateful in knowing that Byun or Jin-Young couldn’t hurt him anymore.

Although it wasn’t all happy and golden but Jin knew he was better as he listened to Taehyung sharing bits of how he had people here he could talk to, called his cell mate an absolute jackass yet he could trace the hint of fond friendliness as he spoke about how Bogum would irritate him everyday to tell him about himself and the family.

Over the months the one significant change he had seen in Tae was that he slowly looked less ashamed and more hopeful, and Jin just couldn’t feel more happier.

He had been trying his best to make him understand that it wasn’t his fault, things had been twisted and difficult from the very beginning and they were finally heading towards a more secure and happy time, and urged him to be glad about it because he assured he was. He told him again and again about how hopefully he was waiting for his time in prison to end, how restlessly he was waiting to see their child and how excited he was for the future to finally live their dream.

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