9. 1! 2! 3!

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Third Person P. O. V

"Hey?" Jin greeted Jimin with a questioning look, who beamed an infectious smile in return.

"We're having a party" the blonde replied bouncing on his heels, "there's no party Jimin" Hoseok corrected trying to put some reign to his excitement.

"There's people, there's booze and I'm sure there'll be some music. It's a party." Jimin said plopping down on the couch beside Namjoon, who had already began helping himself with a beer.

Taehyung made his way to the couch beside the blonde, "stop being a sourpuss for once and enjoy yourself" Jimin advises as Jin goes upstairs to put his stuff away. Both boys on his either side glance at him, Jimin was that one person with whom you could talk about anything and he would always be there to hear you out, it's like he always knew when something was troubling you. He hands a beer to Taehyung, "face tomorrow when it comes, for now live a little" clinking his bottle against the others he tips his head back to chug it down.

However, as the night paced ahead and whiskey snubbed their senses they realized how long it had been since they actually had had a fun night.

Yoongi got quite the surprise as he came home to see the mess in his living room. Jin and Hoseok were eased on the floor leaning on the coffee table while Taehyung, Jimin and Namjoon sat on the couch; a loud conversation was ongoing with sudden bursts of cackling. Almost instantly he gets dragged into the booze party, the takeaway of fried dumplings and teriyaki chicken he had brought home vanished into thin air before he even got the chance to bring them enough spoons. Thus, ordering for more grub to soak up all that alcohol.

A few glasses later Yoongi ended up being one among the club as he fought against Jin to have Hoseok's attention and when he couldn't win with force decided to sit on his lover's lap. Well screw anyone who judges him, Hoseok is his and he won't settle for anything less than what he demands!

Jimin often jumps up to make a point when no one else would pay him attention. Taehyung cursed at him for blocking his line of vision and blamed his high pitched voice for hurting his ears, and gets hit in return because according to the blonde it was his deep voice that overpowered all the others.

The only one still sober was Namjoon, who casually laid back on the couch taking in the hullabaloo.

Right after midnight Jimin decided that it was karaoke time, dragging Jin to join him as they began blasting their lungs to convey the emotions as they sang. Yoongi taps the table to give them a beat while Hoseok lays his head on his lap humming along.

"I'll find the places where you hide, I'll be the dawn on your worst night" Jin sang into the empty beer bottle mimicking it as a mic, "the only thing left that I like, Yeah I'd kill for you that's right" he pressed his eyes close aiming for the higher note "if that's what you wanted, if that's what you wanted". Jimin joined in "I'll put your poison in my veins, they say the best love is insane" "I'll light your fire till my last day" Yoongi loudly cut in but they cheered him to continue. Hoseok joined in and all four of them yelled out in a chorus "if that's what you wanted, if that's what you wanted..."

They were busy in their very own version of something between foxtrot and salsa when a deep voice startled them "I'll run now to this time, O-oo-o-o-h-hh-h my love is true...T-e-l-l m-e-e something I wouldn't do...if that's what you wanted, if that's what you wanted..." Taehyung croons  out the words his eyes fastening with Jin's the moment the brown haired boy turned to trace him.

A waddling Jimin came over to drag him up to join in their crazy, "come on, your turn! Taehyung's up for the next song guys! Although he had sworn to resist, Taehyung knew he would rather lose as he watched Jin, his face flushed due to all the exertion and the alcohol, smiling at him with his vibrant eyes ardently beckoning him to join. The image sent a resonating tremor through Taehyung's musty blood making him shudder as he felt a long suppressed warmth conquer him.

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