43. Can't Smile Without You

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Taehyung's P. O. V.

The moment I climbed off of the vehicle my eyes inadvertently began searching for Jin because I knew he was going to be here.

It's been more than a month since the last hearing, and as difficult as things seem to be getting, right now my head seems completely taken only by the thought of seeing him again. Although I had tried to stay away from him earlier, I still haven't managed to master being okay with the anxiety it creates, there are times when I need him to make it easier for myself, any sort of assurance is enough, a simple gesture that he's fine and that I will get a chance to hold him in my arms again.

My eyes zapped to the direction I saw a few people walking down from the other end of the long hallway as all of us edged towards the same door. Today Hoseok wasn't with them, I nodded at Namjoon and my attorney as I saw them step through the door, and instantly my eyes caught with Jin's who was with Jungkook, walking right behind the others.

I held my mouth forcibly shut, not wanting to give out the fact to anyone there that he was by any chance someone I am acquainted to, but my body instinctively reacted stupidly needing to edge nearer as I watched him halt just as stunned.

Breath-taking would be the right word to describe him since he literally left me numb as he set those soft brown eyes deeply into me.

I realized we had stopped right in front of each other, frozen in a daze of wistful hopes running wildly in our head. It was the clanking of metal chains on my hands that made me realize that my instincts were calling me to touch him. Just a light caress, or let me steal one small peck of his alluring lips or a short whiff of his pleasing scent. He must've put on some weight making him look adorably plump, looking softer in the loose peach shirt. I watched him open his mouth to say something and I forgot all my rationality as I desperately wished to hear him speak, call me his 'Tae' for this one time. I have missed his voice so damn much, the cravings are growing more and more awful as the days go by, it keeps getting harder and to think that I have no idea how much longer are they going to hold me away from him.

"Uh-I-I..." his eyes look so troubled suddenly and I saw tears clog his eyes almost instantly.

But before he could complete the sentence, Jungkook pulled him away along with himself and I stood there watching them. Any other day I swear I'd beat the shit out of this guy for being so brash when it came to Jin but I had to gulp down the resentment for now lest I end up doing something foolish.

The guard nudged me to walk ahead and I saw the two hasten to follow behind the others as I entered the room as well, while Jin kept fumbling and fidgeting uneasily as he looked back at me again and again.

An odd pang gripped me to see him suddenly be so emotionally agitated, making my gut shrivel up to think what could have happened to make him this anxious.

But I had to wait to acquire the answer being just as equally restless..

"So you accept that you were directly helping an alleged terrorist, more like working alongside him just because you believed this mission could end Axel?"

"We were all working together actually" Jungkook's words were unwavering "it was a mission after all, the goal was to achieve the end of Axel, no matter the rules or the consequences. Then I guess that makes all of us possible terrorists, including the General and Col. Wang"

"Did you or did you not take orders from the Major? Or maybe I should say Ex-Major" I scoffed at the jibe, seeing him try to demean me in such a petty way.

"I did, that was how we got the people out from that shopping mall before the bomb went off"

"So why wasn't the blast at the airport or the one at the research lab intercepted? Images show he was there as well" the attorney was getting worked up now yet Jungkook seemed as unmoved as ever.

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