50. A Million Dreams

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Third Person’s P.O.V.

“Look at her, she doesn’t want to stay here” Hobi spoke patting the child’s back, whose wide eyes gaped at everything around the new apartment as she clung to Jin.

Jin paid no attention to his whines anymore and guided Taehyung and Jungkook to arrange the stuff around the apartment, they had decided to turn the room where Jimin had stayed earlier into the baby room, and right away sat down to list whatever they’d need to make the apartment now home to them.

“We’ll go to the store to get a few stuff” Jin spoke grabbing Taehyung to drag him away from trying to acquire Soohee’s attention every chance he got. He seemed like a man on a mission to get his daughter to like him anyway possible while Soohee still denied to acknowledge him, clinging onto Hoseok and Jungkook.

It made Jin feel sympathetic but he was aware that it would take them some time to bond because although Taehyung cared for the child too much he was yet to learn how to cosy up to her or what she liked or disliked to make her favour him. But he knew it was a matter of time and they would get there, and it made a warmth run through him thinking about how sweet and beautiful it would be to build a home together, finally.

He wrapped his palm around Taehyung’s, letting his fingers fit perfectly into the gaps between the other’s as they walked into the store and went ahead to gather stuff to decorate their future.

“What about this?” Jin chose an ivory and mustard polka print pattern for the walls to match with the curtains that had little sunflowers on them.

“Looks nice” Taehyung nodded, smiling warmly to see Jin get instantly busy to search for pillows and accessories that would match.

He silently followed Jin around, keeping close as he tried to immerse himself solely in this new version of his life but it had been such a long time since he had stepped away from life as we know it that as he walked alongside Jin he couldn’t help but feel severely protective of him, everyone seemed to be dangerous and he moved a step closer to guard Jin from even a lingering gaze.

Jin noticed that Taehyung seemed a bit jittery as he kept his head low when people around them inquired about something and drew closer blocking others who showed any friendly gesture or tried to make light conversation with him.

“You okay?” Jin tried to talk him out of the anxiousness, his thumb softly rubbing against Tae’s realizing that being suddenly among people in such a crowded everyday place after such a long time was probably a bit too much for him although people barely knew about his tragic history and were unaware of his real identity.

However, that didn’t change the fact that Taehyung himself felt uneasily guilty of his own past and fearful how it could affect Jin and their child. It was a history he was yet to put away…n no matter how hard Jin tried to make him feel loved, it didn’t change the fact that the darker side was a part of Taehyung nonetheless.

No matter how poetic war is made to seem…all that violence, death and destruction is but real, just as real as the red of every drop of blood that had been shed

And Taehyung nodded again, knowing Jin would kiss away all the pain his past had inflicted on him but the scars would inevitably remain.

He pulled Jin closer and tried his best to curb the usual irritation he had to crowded places and people yelling and romping about, he watched parents rebuke and gather their loud kids, youngsters loitering about grabbing bags of junk and couples busy among themselves and strolled the aisles with the other who seemed focused on grabbing the stuff they had listed.

It was such an ordinary day for everyone that they barely noticed how overly unusual all of this was for him.

He had been restlessly waiting to start this phase of life with Jin, wanted to be a part of the life they had been hoping to live together and yet he was realizing now that regardless of the fact of how beautiful the ‘normal’ looked it was something typically abnormal for him, and as he watched Jin delightfully go about the place to gather things to piece the beginning of their future together, he silently promised himself that he’d try his very best to give him what he deserved and more. Even if it would mean he’d have to wash clean his own tarnished conscience and smile for him.

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