1. Return to Diagon Alley

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Dumbledore's POV


He stood at the door of (Y/N)'s home and after a quick knock it wasn't long before the door was opened.

"Mr (L/N), it's nice to see you again."

Standing in the doorway was (Y/N)'s father, Adam (L/N). Quite the intimidating presence in the moment, he was only just a few inches taller than Dumbledore but he may as well have been towering over him. He glared at Dumbledore with such intensity as he spoke.

"Dumbledore, I'm guessing your here to take (Y/N) to the alley place again."

"Quite right. Is (Y/N) coming to the door?"

"He's at the park."

"Oh tha-"

However Dumbledore couldn't finish the sentence as he had the door slammed in his face. Deciding not to dwell on it, he made his way over to the park.

Fitting, I gave (Y/N) his 1st year letter there. Now he'll get his 2nd year letter there as well.

Dumbledore didn't walk for long and reached the park. He looked for (Y/N) and saw him slowly swinging on the swings. He approached (Y/N), saw he had his head drooped and was reading Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.

"Always a good read. It's easy to see you agree (Y/N)."

However no answer came, looking at (Y/N) further it was clear he was asleep. After lightly tapping his right shoulder, (Y/N) slowly stirred.

He slowly opened his (E/C) eyes and stared up at Dumbledore. "Long time no see Dumbledore."

"Far too long (Y/N)."

Slowly (Y/N) stood up and Dumbledore had saw how drastically he had changed in the few weeks that Dumbledore had seen him last.

He had grown much taller, as well as skinnier which made him look lankier, he had faint dark bags under his eyes and his (H/C) hair had grown out and looked scruffier.

Normally Dumbledore would be shocked at a student's drastic change in appearance. However Dumbledore was more concerned about the dark bags and how lanky (Y/N) had become.

"Have you been sleeping well (Y/N)? The same goes for eating, are you eating well?"

(Y/N) shrugged his shoulders, "If I'm being honest...no. I've had a lot of fights with my parents over the last few weeks, they usually end with me leaving the house and spending the night in the park."

The words and nonchalant tone of (Y/N) shook Dumbledore to his core, he had never assumed (Y/N)'s parents to be the violent type. "Were these fights phys-".

"Oh no, they were really just me and my dad yelling at each other and my mum just trying to calm us down. Even though she does have her passive aggressive ways of trying the exact same thing my dad is."

"May I ask what this thing is?"

"They're trying to pull me out of Hogwarts. Not the first time either, tried to at the Christmas holidays as well."

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