Vid Con, Ubers, and Other Regrets

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   Y/N sighed into a cell phone. Her thumb seemed to move separate from her brain, scrolling mindlessly through Instagram. Eventually, she landed on a picture of the Misfits. She knew them, she had mixed feelings. Y/N had tried watching their video's before, but ended up crinkling her nose at the homophobic and ableist slurs. Especially from that one kid, Mason. The picture she scrolled across very faintly involved him.

In the picture, Fitz stood in front of a car, surrounded by the other misfits, all throwing up peace signs and blunts. Rolling her eyes internally, y/n checked the caption.

"Join us at Vid Con this week!" It read, followed by a few thousand hash tags. Y/N was planning to go to Vid Con this week, and she dreaded seeing the Misfits there. Which reminded her, she needed to pack.

Standing up from a black sofa, she walked to the bedroom area of the tiny apartment, and tiredly started to pack necessities. As she mindlessly packed, y/n started to create fictional stories. In this one, she dressed to the teeth in her favorite clothes, she caught the Misfits off guard, and with a smirk in real life, thought about breaking that pig Mason's heart. Showing him a lesson.

It wouldn't happen and she knew it, but she still found herself packing some clothes she decided were particularly flattering on her. She smiled at her own foolish imagination, and decided on a nap, without a single idea of what was to happen in the coming weeks.

Time Skip Baby!

Y/N wobbled off the plane, she always hated flying. She shook off nervousness and instead called an Uber, and directed them towards her hotel. When they arrived, the driver wore a simple hoodie and grin, and pointed her to the back of their car.

"You here for Vid Con as well?" They chuckled from the drives seat, making easy small talk.

"As well?" Y/N muttered, "How many have there been?"

"Ah, well I just drove a whole lot." The driver made vibrant hand motions, "A good group of six or so. Wouldn't shut up, heading to your same hotel!"

"Oh fun!" She really hated talking in Ubers, "Tell me about them? I mean if you can, I don't really know what the policy is."

They laughed, "Well they were these, hype beasts I guess. I didn't get a good look, but they wore Gucci and expensive shoes. Talked about their penthouse sweet and a guy named Ryan."

This piqued Y/N's interest. Ryan? She'd heard of Ryan. Suddenly, her imaginations seemed much more likely. She shuddered. Running her fingers up and down the seat next to her, she wasn't really sure where to go. The Uber was uncomfortably silent, as Ubers are.

Just time skipping until the end of the ride, you don't want to read pages of awkward silence.

The driver helped her gather her belongings, and Y/N headed into the hotel. Eventually, she found the way to her room, and stepped in. Lying down on a mildly comfortable bed, she surveyed the room. The walls were manila with stripes, and the room seemed plain. Lifting her phone in the air above her, she saw it was almost five pm. She relaxed into a comfortable silence, when suddenly, she heard banging.

"Oi ya cunt Fitz! Get out here!" Her eyes shot open at the voice. This asshole was Mason. The bitch. And he was knocking on her door. By the giggles that followed, so was everyone else. They thought she was Fitz, apparently.

Rolling over, she brushed off her clothes and fluffed her hair before opening the door. She would have liked to fix her appearance, but hey, what can you do. They wouldn't stop banging and screaming.

Throwing the door back, she scanned their expressions. There was a general sense of fear emitted from all of them, with Mason, hand now in midair, looking terrified.

"Can I help you kids?" She replied sweetly, "Something tells me I'm not the 'cunt' you're looking for."

Mason rubbed the back of his neck, "Very sorry miss. I thought this was my friend's room."

Y/N nodded, "Fitz apparently? Listen, do you need something while you're here, or are you just going to stand outside my door."

"Um. No ma'am." Someone who Y/N suspected was SwaggerSouls added.

"You've disturbed my day this much, let me help you find your friend." This was not up for debate, clearly. Y/N leaned on her elbow in the doorway, making direct eye contact with them all.

"Oh ma'am, uh you don't have to do that." Toby started, adjusting her shirt.

"It's Y/N. And I have nothing better to do. Wait here." She slammed the door on them, and started to change clothes.

She heard them murmur, some words being lost to the thick white door, but she got the general message.

"What the fuck do we do?" She deciphered that was from Matt.

"I mean, she's pretty, why not let her help us? Maybe her and I will find an empty hotel room together." Mason said.

"Mason!" Y/N heard a gasp from Toby, and a smacking sound. "You don't even know anything about her! She could swing a different way!"

Y/N decided she liked Toby.

"Just let her help us, we can't find Fitz anyway." Jay murmured.

"But she is pretty though!" Mason tried.

"You're not allowed near any girls anymore." Matt scoffed.

"At least I respect women." Swagger sighed.

 "I don't know, I get no respect." Toby joked.

Y/N decided to dress up a little bit, I mean, this was a first impression. She wore a simple graphic tee shirt and baggy jeans, completed with a drawstring bag and big winged eyeliner. She winked at her reflection, and opened the door again.

"Okay. Let's go." She started walking out, and everyone parted way instinctively.

"I-I mean, you don't even know who we are." Jay started.

"Introduce yourselves while we walk. C'mon, let's ask reception if he's here."

The members behind her shrugged and started walking, seemingly admiring her confidence and charm. Mason wrote down her name in his phone, he was shit with names. All seemed to feel this would be a wild ride. Y/N smirked, this was going very well. Next step, get in with Mason. Or someone else, it didn't matter who. She just needed to get into the group. With only half an idea of even why she wanted to do this, she was on a mission, and decided somehow that she would change them for the better. God she was toxic, but she needed a release.

Why is she so toxic? We'll find out whenever I want to write more! Which is soon, don't worry.

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