Dissatisfaction Overshadowed by Elevators

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   Y/N was regretting doing this. The more she processed it, the worse she felt. I mean, who was she to hate these guys? They were just making money. Sure, she disliked the things they said, but she didn't have control over that. It felt as though every step she took squeezed her lungs. Biting her lip nervously, she fidgeted with her shirt.

"So Y/N, where are you from?" Matt made small talk.

"(Place where you're from). You?" She walked firmly, refusing to relax.

"Australia!" Mason butted in, almost tripping over his own feet.

"Fun." She nodded. Y/N couldn't explain why she was being so cold. Well, she could, but she didn't want to think about it. She knew exactly who caused this. Eventually, she decided to think about it. A few months ago, she found out her now ex girlfriend was incredibly racist, ableist, the works. As an activist, that hurt. She shifted her eyes remembering the late night kitchen arguments between the two.

She suspected it was her fault she was doing this. She tried to justify it in her mind with the thoughts that she didn't want the same thing to happen to someone else. But she knew there was no excuse for this. She sucked in her cheeks and walked stiffly.

"Okay." Y/N thought, "You need to loosen up. No one trusts you like this. How can you change people when they don't trust you." She forcefully relaxed her walking speed.

"By the way," She switched to a sunny disposition, "Why are ya'll here?"

"Oh um, we're Youtubers!" Jay blurted out, and was swiftly punched in the arm by Swagger.

"Why would you say that?" He whispered.

"Oh! I have been informed that we are not." Jay laughed.

"Jay's dumb. Okay, yeah we're YouTubers." Matt smiled, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Misfits." Y/N nodded.

They all froze in shock, mouths dropping comically open, "You-You know who we are?" Toby gasped.

Y/N turned around to face their puzzled expressions, "What do you mean? I was just saying ya'll seemed like a bunch of fun misfits? Is that your name?" Now she was just playing with them.

They all melted, and Swagger rubbed his hands, "It's nothing."

"Okay, poggers." Y/N shrugged, "C'mon let's get in the elevator." She gestured towards a dark brown elevator.

It was a smaller elevator than she thought, and Y/N found herself pressed against Matt and Jay. Her shoulders were squished between them, and she found herself staring at Matt on her right. He was pretty cute, and she didn't remember him being that bad, so she decided she liked him.

"I like your hair Matt." She commented, looking at his light brown hair pushing its way out of his backwards baseball hat. He looked flustered at her compliment.

"Can I get a complement too?' Swagger joked.

Y/N smiled, "You look nice as well."

Matt looked flustered, and tried to fluff his hair up instinctively, but found that his arms were pressed between two people.

Mason suddenly raised his arms into the air and lay them on top of his friend's heads.

"Stop flirting." He complained, and Y/N grimaced.

"Apparently you've never experienced flirting before, because that was a friendly compliment." She rolled her eyes.

"Oh for fuck's sake. I flirt all the time. If you're gonna fuck my friends, fuck me instead." This Mason guy was cocky.

"Jesus Mason!" Toby moaned. "Why do you say shit like that?"

Mason shrugged and Y/N smirked. Just then, the doors opened, and the group happily flooded out. This was going to be interesting.

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