Pink Plastic Cigarettes

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    Y/N found herself staring at the ceiling. The color was off-white, but the light flooding in from her window caused it to look a pale cream. She was unsure of what would come, but she knew it might be unpleasant. She had been to VidCon before, she had watched her favorite creators become swarmed by mobs of excited fans. She had been part of the mob of excited fans once. Y/N could almost envision it, her friends being yanked away from her, sitting on a bench outside their meet and greets.

    Her thoughts were interrupted by a gentle knock at her door, followed by a soft whisper.

    "Y/N? Are you asleep?" She heard through the cracks in the door.

    "Yeah. Hold on." The wooden floor creaked as she stepped out of bed and headed towards the voice. Peeking around the door, she saw Mason. He wore what Y/N assumed were pajamas, some loose sweatpants and a blank tee shirt. She looked at him quizzically, but motioned for him to come in.

    "Thanks." He muttered, sliding in.

    "What's up?" Y/N's voice got louder as the door securely closed.

    "Have a seat. I want to talk to you."

    Y/N obediently sat down, and looked expectantly at him. He sat on his heels in front of her. Ruffling his hair, he started to speak again.

     "I'm not sure what to do. I usually pick up chicks at VidCon, it's what I do. But I feel like we need closure. We kissed, like two days ago, and then you slept with Racc-"

     "Listen Mase I was drunk-"

     "You still fucked Racc! And that's a little confusing ya know? I was fine with whatever... whatever we had. That daily hating each other and rare moments of passion alone, that was fine. I wasn't gonna go for any girls, because ya know, we were doing our little hatred dance. But after you fucked one of my friends, I'm not sure if that still holds true." He put his hands on his knees. As he got further into his grand statement, Y/N saw his eyes become glossy with tears.

     She knelt down in front of him and cupped his cheek in her hand. She did it almost instinctively, and they both stared at each other for a second. It seemed like Y/N couldn't breathe, her vocal cords preventing any sound from escaping her lips. Suddenly, with no warning, he grabbed her and held her close. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her to his chest, and Y/N heard Mason start to sob into her shoulder.

     "Oh sweetheart." Y/N whispered into his ear, throwing her own hands around his neck.

     "I don't know what to do." His voice quivered. He pulled away and fumbled for his pocket, grabbing a pack of cigarettes. Still sniffling, he removed a cigarette and a lighter. Holding it between his index and middle finger, he lit it and he quieted his sobs. He took a drag and blew smoke out the corner of his mouth.

     "I'm sorry, let me blow this outside." Mason's voice changed, to something much more calm and collected. He stood up and went to her window. He opened it and stuck his head and upper body out. Y/N followed him. She stood next to him, and they stared at the city. He silently handed her the cigarette, and she took a drag. Y/N wasn't a smoker, but withheld her coughs.

     They stood there for a while, sharing a half burned cigarette in the dead of night. Eventually, Mason turned around and left. Y/N stayed in the window, smoking the burning stick Mason had left in her hand. She admired the beauty of smoke on the backdrop of the city. There was a silent exchange between the two, no words being shared, but both coming to a conclusion.

     "You can move on from me." She had communicated.

     "Are you sure?" He had replied.

     "Yes. There are better people for you."

     "Thank you, Y/N." 

     "I love you."

     "I love you too. Goodbye."

     "Goodbye Mason."

     An hour later, the cigarette had burn out, and Y/N stared out the window. She was lost in her thoughts, when she heard the second knock that night.

     "Y/N? Uh, it's me... Ezra." The voice was muffled from behind the door.

     "One second- I'm- getting changed." Y/N said frantically, rushing to her bathroom for mouthwash. When she was sure the cigarette smell and taste was gone, she opened the door. Ezra looked messy, his hair disheveled and clothing ragged and old.

     "Can I come in?" He whispered.

     "Yeah." She opened the door farther for him to enter. He walked in and sat down on her bed, facing the open window. Y/N sat next to him.

     "Y/N... you probably know that VidCon can be a little... much." Ezra turned to look at her.

     "Yeah. Here's to hoping you don't get stampeded." She chuckled.

     "Cheers," He laughed as well, lifting an imaginary glass, "But seriously, whatever happens, just know you still matter to us."

     "What do you mean?"

     "We might get surrounded, you might be left behind with security and whatnot. Just know that if your pushed away, you'll be all I'm thinking about."

     Y/N blushed, "You have no idea how relieved I am. And it's fine. You're famous, I'm not. You get swept up, I'll go to VidCon like I originally intended."

    "Good." He smiled.

    "Good." She responded.

    "Does it smell smokey in here to you?" Ezra sniffed.


   Suddenly, Ezra got to his knees in front of her. He took her hands, and smirked at her. Y/N felt herself blush. He kissed the backs of her hands, and reached into his pocket. He pulled out a cheap plastic ring.

    "So you don't forget about me among all those Youtubers tomorrow." He placed the pink ring in her palm.

    "I couldn't forget you if I tried." She leaned down and kissed him on the forehead. He adjusted his head and kissed Y/N on her lips. They sat like that for a few seconds, her bent over, kissing him, him, head pointed up kissing her.

     "You look beautiful, even in the darkness. But, have you been smoking? You definitely taste like smoke."

      Y/N froze, "N-No! Well uh, yes. I bought some ciggies just to try them, but they're gross. I'm stopping."

     "Good. Those things can kill your lungs, I don't need you dying on me." He laughed.

     "Sure thing. What time is it?"

     "Like four am."

     "You heading back to your room?"

     "Do you want me to?"

     "Not really."

     "Me neither."

     And so they fell asleep, Ezra spooned around Y/N. She felt herself sink into the bed, the pillows, and the person who's chest was pressed to her back, who's legs were intertwined with hers, and who's head rested securely atop her own. She didn't fear for the next day anymore, she instead welcomed it with open arms.

(A/N: Sorry about the wait loves! Gave y'all touched staved bastards some food)

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