The End

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  VidCon was going about how Y/N imagined it would. She stared at her phone outside her friend's panel.


  Text Message from John: this is so fucking boring but its almost over

  Text Message from Swagger: John's on his phone, can you text him to shut the hell up?

  Y/N snickered, and messaged John.

   Me: You pissed Swags off, keep messaging me

  John: will do m'lady ;)

  Me: Any hotties in the audience?

  John: nah, just the one im texting rn

  Me: Fuck you

 John: ok when

 She laughed and put her phone down. Checking the time again, she had a little over five minutes until this panel was out. After that, they were going to split up a little bit, with a few hours until their next meet and greet. No one had previously discussed who was going with who, and even where they were going.

  Suddenly, the doors to the humongous room opened, and out spilled what felt like hundreds of guests. As if a flood, Y/N stood on top of her bench as the swarms of fans moved around her. At the tail of the group, surrounded by security guards, were her friends.

    Matt waved and pushed the guards apart, Toby and Jay motioned for Y/N to join their circle. She ran in, and the guards closed as soon as she entered. She found herself squished between Ezra and Mason.

    "This is so fucking claustrophobic." Ezra muttered, rubbing his shoulders uncomfortably.

    "There isn't many places we can move to. It's the peak of the convention, everyone's everywhere." Y/N motioned her head to show the surrounding area.

     She wasn't lying, it was packed. People were everywhere, it seemed like every available space had a group around it. The misfits were also subject to this, with a few wayward arms reaching in for photos and autographs. Fitz got knocked in the head with a minecraft sword someone wanted signed by accident. 

    With anyone else, Y/N would have told them to suck it up. But she saw the was that Ezra was rubbing his hands and frantically swiveling his head. She felt for his uncomfort, she didn't do well in large crowds either. So, quickly, she grabbed his hand. He looked up surprised, and she just nodded and squeezed her fingers around his palm.

     Suddenly, she pushed the guards aside and pulled Ezra with her. Y/N made a beeline for the one clear thing she could see, the same green bench she had sat on earlier. Standing on it, she wobbled a little, then pulled Ezra up as well.

     They stood there for a minute, overlooking the convention. People swarmed around them, and they started making a crowd as their friends ran over trying to tell them to step down.

     "What the fuck are they doing?" Y/N heard Swagger say.

     "We're gonna get a crowd." Ezra looked at her quizzically.

     "Then let there be a crowd." Y/N grabbed his hands and kissed him. The crowd remarked in ooo's and ah's. His hands found their spot around her back. She wrapped her own around his neck. They became lost in each other, the world felt like it was falling into ribbons around them. The din of the crowd was muffled by his hands tracing their way down Y/N's back, and by her lips around his.

      They finally pulled back, looking at each other. Ezra never looked so beautiful. He ran a finger down Y/N's jawline, and smiled.

     "You belong with me." He spoke sweetly.

     "I couldn't agree more Mr. Raccooneggs." Y/N hugged him.

     "If you call me Raccooneggs again I may have to retcon that previous statement."


     "I don't deserve you, Y/N."

     "I think we deserve each other."

     "Just kiss me please."

  Suddenly, they were yanked down by the other Misfits.

     "Damn." John laughed.

     "Maybe that alcohol was good." Smii7y shrugged.

     "I'm going to kill you both." Mason sighed.

     "I second that." Fitz rolled his eyes.

     "By the way. I knew who y'all were the entire time." Y/N smiled.

     "Ok I'm going to kill you both as well." Jay laughed.

     "Can we please go? We're drawing a crowd." Matt looked around frantically.

     "Then let there be a crowd."  Y/N and Ezra said at the same time.

(A/N: WOOOO! THAT'S THE END! HOPE YOU ENJOYED! No really, I had a lot of fun doing this. This was my first time writing any sort of constant story. If you enjoyed, please let me know :)! As well as any criticism if you have any. I listened to so much Lemon Demon while writing this. Anyway, thanks guys, stay cool)



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