Modern Art and Places To Not Bring Mason

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   Y/N hated modern art. She hated it with a burning passion. She hated it more than anything in her life. She despised staring a blank white canvas, only decorated with the space occurrences of color, or even just a circle. Some pieces were better than others, Y/N was more fond of the extremely colorful and busy pictures, rather than the boring minimalist art. She found herself more interested in a twist tie she found on the reception table than walls of meaningless paintings.

   "You don't like this?" Toby looked over at Y/N, focused on her newfound fidget toy.

   "I mean- it's okay." She complained.

   "Follow me. Jay! Racc! Boys! Follow!" Toby called, waving her arm for them to follow. They glanced over to her and caught up. Toby walked into a new room, and Y/N's eyes lit up. The room was beautiful, filled with colors and shapes. In the center of the room was a gigantic table, her body was about a forth of the wooden leg.

   "This feels like being a cat." John nodded, looking at the table.

   "Pussy." Mason added.

    Lining the walls was a long picture, a splatter painted white canvas, which covered every wall and who's splattered designs made animals, flowers, and the like. They all eagerly turned to look at it.

    "Woah." Matt said simply, scanning his eyes up and down the colored lines.

    Ezra pointed towards an illustrated women, who had flowers falling from her eyes and fingertips. She dressed in flashy clothing, and stood on the balls of her feet, fingers reaching out to pet a lion. "You remind me of her." He looked at Y/N.

    "Can I ask why?" Y/N looked back.

    "I can't explain it. Same vibe."

    "Nah, Y/N reminds me of this one." Mason pulled on her shoulders, and tilted her towards another part of the mural. This was a series of kaleidoscopic waves, over lapping and crashing against each other, "You feel just like that."

    "If we're comparing art to Y/N, then you remind me of this one." Swagger walked over to another part. It was a psychedelic mess, to be honest. But it looked almost beautiful in its chaos, an imploding of color, leaving the edges a black. The center was a compilation of warm and cool colors, and the strokes got larger as they moved from the center.

    "I see her more as this part." John pointed to the wall, just outside where the painting ended.

   "John- are you stoned or are you stupid." Fitz waved his hands.

   "Both, but no really. You remind me of this wall. Not boring- but intriguing. Overlooked. But look how interesting this wall is. Look at the dips of the paint, the inconstancy in the strokes, the texture." John seemed excited about this revelation.

    "Thanks, all of you. John, I'm not sure if yours is an insult or not, but for the sake of my mental health let's say it's not." Y/N smiled, and flicked John in his forehead.

   "Stop flirting dipshits." Smii7y groaned, and started walking towards another room, "Check out these metal balloons."

    In the next room were large metal balloon animals. They were gigantic, with bright hues and gorgeous shines. They were in the shape of childish creations. A dog, a flower, the flaccid ends. Y/N almost wanted to touch them, but the security guard's presence discouraged that idea.

     "I wanna touch them so bad." Jay spoke what she was thinking.

     "Stop stealing my thoughts asshole." She grinned.

     "I could do that." Fitz crossed his arms.

     "No way." Smii7y looked at him.

     "I could." Fitz replied.

     "You absolutely could not." Ezra turned to look at him as well.

     "It's simple! Heat the metal, bend the metal. Boom. I'm a millionaire." He responded.

     "Where would you get the metal?" Matt said condescendingly.

     "Like Micheal's or something."

     "What the fuck kinda Micheal's are you going to?" Toby gestured towards him.

     "What about Joanne's?"

     "Joanne's a fabric store. Dumbass." Mason rolled his eyes.

     "Fitz, stick to your guns." Jay tried.

     "I could be an ARTIST Jay! Stop discouraging me fucker." Fitz bared his teeth.

     "No, Jay is right. This is stupid. Let's all shut up." Y/N laughed.

     After a tour of the museum, they decided to head to Colori Kitchen. Sitting down in the restaurant, they continually scolded Mason for generally being an idiot. They all got to realize why Mason was not brought to fancy restaurants.

     "Gross." He pushed his plate.

     "It's Melanzane Parmigiana. Eggplant, tomato sauce, and mozzarella. It's good." Swagger pushed it back.

      "Gross. Eggplant." Mason shoved it.

      Smii7y sighed and moved the dish away from Mason, and replaced it with his own Carpaccio Di Carne, "Eat."

      Mason grumbled and ate it. Everyone sighed in relief. Y/N watched Ezra turn on his phone next to her.

     "Phones off at the dinner table honey." Y/N mocked, and then normalized her voice, "Whatcha looking at?"

     "I'm writing Colori Kitchen in my Notes App, followed by an X. And in parenthesis, 'Good place, don't bring Mason.'" Ezra smiled.

    "Bitch." Mason grumbled through a mouthful of beef carpaccio.

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