Eating Pancakes At a Diner

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    (Author's Note: We broke 100 reads! Thanks guys <3)

   Ezra and Y/N haphazardly tried to get dressed. Looking around the room, they found their clothes in all manner of places, with Ezra's shirt and Y/N's corset remaining missing. Soon it neared 10 am, and they both sat wordlessly on Y/N's bed.

  In replacement for his missing clothing, Y/N gave him an oversized shirt she packed, which fit him as a normal sized tunic would. He wore the graphic tee with last nights pants and a disheveled manor. Y/N dressed in a hoodie and sweatpants, and she sat with her legs crossed on the bed.

   "You realize they'll want to meet up for breakfast?" She started, peering over at him.

   "Yeah." He nodded, "Unfortunately."

   "Let's get this over with." Y/N reached for her phone.


   Y/N: Y'all wanna meet up for brekkie?

   Mason: Depends, will you and Racc be making out the whole time?

   Matt: valid question ^

   Y/N: Fuck off

   Toby: based on last night, valid question

   Racc: Fuck off

   Swagger: Ok shut up, where do you want to meet?

   Jay: There's a place near the hotel

   Fitz: Wait where are John and Smiiters?

   John: hey sorry just joined breakfast sounds great

    Smii7y: I second that

    Toby: we can discuss whatever last night was there

    Mason: Please.


     After cleaning themselves up slightly, they started to walk to the predetermined restaurant. They both seemed unsure of what to do now, whether to hold hands, talk, or walk in silence. So far they were going with the latter. They walked in silence, the harsh morning wind stinging their faces. A few side glances were all that were given to each other.

    Finally, after an excruciating lull they arrived at a run-down diner with faded lettering. As they entered the building, a tiny bell above the doorway rang. Peering around the establishment, they noticed their friends at a large table in the center, one made up of smaller tables pushed together. As they heard the bell, they glanced up at the two newcomers and Smii7y motioned them to come over.

   "Did you two have fun?" Swagger baby talked.

   "Shut up." Ezra muttered, sliding into a seat next to Fitz.

   Y/N sat next to Matt, and tapped on the plastic covering of a menu.

   "Do you remember anything?" Smii7y spoke up from the other side of the table.

   "Parts." Y/N shrugged back.

   "Yeah, that's what Sunset Rum does."

   Mason practically stood up, along with Fitz and Swagger, "You gave her fucking what?" He yelled.

    "Smit..." Toby facepalmed.

    "Can someone tell me what the fuck happened?" Y/N flipped her palms up on the table.

    "This fucking genius over here gave you one of the strongest alcohols known. You then, being a lightweight with no alcohol experience, got trashed immediately. Duh. Apparently, Racc had been drinking as well. You can figure it out from there." John rested his head on the table.

     "I need pancakes." Ezra groaned.

     "Eat up bitchboy." Matt slid his own pancakes over towards him.

     "So, you and Racc. What are we thinking?" Jay looked back and forth between Y/N and Ezra.

     "I say we just forget this happened." Ezra started to eat Matt's flapjacks.

      Y/N involuntarily scoffed and complained, "That's not how you felt this morning."

      The table froze, and Y/N looked up with panic, realizing what she had said. Ezra stared at her in a way that said, you're so fucking dumb.

       "I need to talk to Y/N real quick." Ezra stood up and rounded the table, grabbing Y/N's arm and dragging her near the bathrooms.

        He pulled her to where he was sure no one could hear them, and leaned in to whisper next to her, "There's a reason I didn't tell them about this morning." His deep voice right into her ear sent shivers down her spine.

       "Sorry." She muttered.

       "Don't worry about it sweetheart." He pulled back and started walking towards the table, flashing a newfound smile. Y/N followed him, and watched as Ezra made easy conversation. She joined in, and they all seemed to collectively moved on past the night before's events. They talked of VidCon starting the next day, and of places they wanted to visit.

        They decided on visiting the Broad, a contemporary art museum, and Colori Kitchen, a Mediterranean Seafood restaurant (Quick A/N: As someone from LA, high-key recommend them both). This was their last day before the mayhem that was VidCon started, and Y/N knew that chaos would ensues under the circumstances of obsessive fans, a constant hustle, and parties.

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