Bonding Over Scarring A Friend

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    Jay jokingly spammed the right floor button ten thousand times, and when questioned why he simply responded, "I want to win the race."

   A few seconds into the ride Y/N turned to Toby, "Is Mason always such a bitch?"

  Toby chuckled, "You get used to it."

  They sat in silence, and Y/N awkwardly fumbled around in her bag, a nervous habit. Inside, she found a cotton candy flavored Dum Dum, and two gummies.

  "Want candy?" She raised an eyebrow, extending her arms, a small plastic wrapped gummy held between her index and thumb.

  Jay looked at her quizzically, "I didn't know you just carried around edibles."

  Y/N laughed, "I don't! These are gummies! Want some?"

  Everyone else in the elevator laughed along with her, and the tension lightened. They lightly joked back and forth, and Y/N decided she liked them both.

  Suddenly, the elevator came to a halt, and the doors screeched open. Mason pounced in, and was about to playfully grab Y/N's drawstring bag from her hands, when he glanced at his wrists and decided against it. He can to an awkward halt in from of Y/N.

 "Back off." Y/N snarled.

 "Fuck off." He snarled back.

  They stood an inch apart, making harsh eye contact, before Mason was yanked backwards. Swagger had pulled on his shirt, and rolled his eyes after doing so.

 "The door's gonna close again, get out here." Swagger laughed.

  Everyone shuffled out, and soon they stood outside Fitz's room on the 7th floor. Jay repeatedly checked the slip of paper in his hand with the room number the reception had said belonged to Fitz.

  "We sure this is the right room?" Matt tilted his head, looking at Jay's note.

   "Yeah," Mason rubbed the back of his neck, "We don't need another Y/N here."

   "Please no." Swagger sighed.

   "Hey!" Y/N pouted, playfully pushing Swagger's chest.

   Suddenly, Toby looked up mischievously, "Can we fuck with Fitz?"

  Everyone glanced over to her. Mason almost immediately mirrored Toby's expression, and glancing over at Matt and Jay, they all started to smirk. Swagger put his head in his hands and smiled slightly looking up.

  "Any ideas?" He half grinned.

  "I have one." Toby giggled, comically rubbing her hands.


  Everyone stood in formation, with Swagger, Toby, Jay, and Matt standing in Y/N's room. Mason and Y/N stood in front of Fitz's door. Everyone in Y/N's room stood behind her door, all peeking out. They all made eye contact and nodded. Suddenly, Mason started banging and yelling.

  "Oi ya dusty cunt Fitz! Come the fuck out here!" He yelled, slamming his fist repeatedly against the brownish-yellow door. Then he ran away, ducking into Y/N's room. He turned as he ran, flashing a smile and a thumbs up to Y/N. She smiled back and faced the door. Adjusting her posture and body, she tried to look as sweet and innocent as possible. Thinking of anime girls, she pressed her knees together and angled her heels outwards.

 It took around five seconds before she started hearing stomping within. She was nervous at first that this was the wrong room again, but soon she heard Fitz's curses, and she relaxed. Ignoring the butterflies in her stomach, she got into character.

  "You fucking dog. Why the fuck are you waking me up?" Fitz opened the door tiredly, his eyes closed.

  Y/N raised her vocal pitch, "Oh um. I'm sorry."

  Fitz opened his eyes at her voice, and immediately adjusted his posture to something more respectable. He glanced around the hallway, but after not seeing his friends, focused on Y/N.

  "I'm so sorry. I heard my friend." Fitz awkwardly said.

  Y/N had held her eyes open, and now tears involuntarily bubbled up. When she was sure it was enough, she blinked and allowed two tears to run down her cheeks, "Why-Why were you so mean? I just had the wrong room."

  Fitz looked very nervous, "Oh no no no! Please don't cry! Oh fuck- oh shit." He ran a claw through his hair and bit his lip.

  Suddenly, Y/N broke out into a smile. Fitz looked taken a back by this, but suddenly all his friends ran out from the room next door.

  "You've been PRANKED!" Matt yelled.

  "Oh my lord. Where did you find this girl? What? Who are you?" Fitz suppressed a smile and looked at Y/N.

  "The name's Y/N. Those assholes banged at my door on accident, figured I'd help them." Y/N shrugged.

  The rest of the Misfits flooded out, all laughing. Mason absentmindedly threw a hand over Y/N's shoulder. Y/N froze, and looked at him.

  "Oh shit I'm sorry please don't hurt me." Mason quickly removed his arm.

  But Y/N laughed, "It's fine." And threw her own arm around him. 

  "Hey," Matt spoke up, ducking between the two, "You wanna come to Vid Con with us Y/N?"

   Fitz interjected, "Wait wait what? No! One, we don't even know her. Two, we promised we wouldn't get involved with fans!"

  "She's not a fan, she doesn't know who we are. And you can get to know her in the upcoming days. C'mon Cam! Don't be lame, it'll be fun!" Matt grinned.

  Fitz sighed, "Fine. Whatever. Give me a minute, let me get ready please." And he slammed the door in their faces.

  This was going to be a very interesting week.

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