New People, New Surroundings, New Crushes

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   Around twenty minutes later, they were all sitting around the entrance of a shopping mall. Y/N leaned against a pole and rummaged around her purse. There was a Dum Dum lollipop left, and she happily sucked on it. She also had found a pencil and some paper and was doodling. She was nervous about meeting new people, as one was.

   "Are they... nice?" She looked over to Fitz, who was sitting next to her.

   "Who?" He responded, looking up at her.

   "The guys we're meeting, dumbass." Y/N chuckled.

   "Well, one definitely is."


   "Smit's definitely nice."

    "Oh no."

   Y/N tried to remember the others to the best of her ability, coming up appearance wise with only that Raccooneggs had fluffy hair, Smii7y wore a baseball cap commonly, and Kryoz had painted nails and short hair. She tried to visualize them and their personality, and found herself anxious about trying to adapt her personality even slightly to meet theirs.

   Suddenly, her thoughts were interrupted. Focused on her doodling, she was snapped out by the other Misfits yelling a hello. Glancing up, the on coming group walked leisurely towards them.

   In the front was Kryoz, or John. He wore a simple blue pullover sweater and patched up jeans. His nails were painted various colors, every nail different. His crowning piece was a wide smile pasted over his face. He ran a claw through his short hair, and winked at Y/N. She found herself blushing slightly at the unexpected flirtation.

  "Oh c'mon, does he not get his wrists bent back?" Mason groaned.

  "This little lady is grabbing your wrists Mason? Didn't see you as bottom." John snickered.

    Next to him was Smii7y, or Jaren. Smii7y wore a hoodie and sweatpants, his baseball cap missing. He gave a playful wave to the group and when John made that distasteful joke, lightly socked him in his arm. He wore a black backpack and a grin.

   "You just met Y/N and she already has a bad opinion of you." He sighed.

      Last was Raccooneggs, or Ezra. Y/N's faint image of what he looked like was correct, with incredibly fluffy almond hair. He dressed in a graphic tee-shirt and jeans. He smirked and waved as well, rolling his eyes at John's joke. 

    "Hey there." His voice was deep yet friendly, and Y/N smiled in response.

    Toby stood up, "Racc, Smit, and John, meet Y/N. Y/N meet Racc, Smit, and John." She gestured towards Y/N.

    "What's popping?" She giggled, adjusting her clothes. They headed over to her, and exchanged friendly greetings with everyone.

    "So who's girl are you?" John questioned.

    "What?" She was surprised at the sudden comment.

    "You dating someone here?"


    "So are you a Youtuber?"


     "Then why are you here?"

     Jay walked between them, "Holy shit dude! Chillax a little bit please."

     "Your phrasing sucks." Smii7y put his head in his hands. "He means, how'd you get to know these guys."

     "Yeah that." John pointed towards Smii7y.

      "They yelled outside my door my mistake, and now we're all hanging out. I don't get it either." Y/N played with her hair.

     "So, are you dating someone?" John looked at her.

     "Not at the moment." She shot back.

     "Good to know." He nodded. "I'd love to see how much that lollipop really tastes like cotton candy." He stared at her mouth, which was closed around a cotton-candy flavored lollipop. Y/N blushed a deep red.

     "Anyways, what can I call you all? Do you prefer online names or real names?" She tried to recover from whatever that was.

    "Just call me Smii7y, or Smit." Smii7y said.

    "John, or daddy, as said before." John winked.

    "Stop." Mason groaned.

    "Racc." Racc simpered.

    "Y/N, as you probably know." She beamed.

     "Should we head in?" Matt motioned towards the door.

     They started heading in, discussing about potential stores to visit.

      "I'm heading to Hot Topic." Y/N talked.

      "You would you teenager." Swagger playfully barred his teeth.

      "She's a teenager?" John backed up, raising his hands in mock surrender.

      "19. Swagger's just being a dick." She mused her hair.

      "You would you think so you teenager." Fitz grinned.

      "Also, why Hot Topic?" Racc playfully poked her shoulder.


      "Hot." Mason nodded, "Wait wait wait don't punch me." He reacted to Y/N winding up a punch.

      "So do you just beat people up?" Smii7y joked.

      "Nah just Mason." She flipped Mason off.

Author's Note: Sorry this chapter is so short! I promise they'll get longer soon. I just needed a chapter to introduce our new boys. More exciting stuff will happen :)

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