Remind Me Not To Go Clubbing

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   Finally, they all met up outside the hotel. Most outfits were simple, the men wearing black pants and various button up shirts. Toby wore a tight dress, and Y/N found herself envying how good she looked. They stood in a circle of sorts, with Jay and Matt crouching on their ankles. The last people to arrive were Smii7y and John.

   "Hey bitches." John through up peace signs as he entered.

   "Hey fuckers, you're late." Mason quipped.

   "Sorry, we were making out." John joked.

    Smii7y rolled his eyes and joined the group. After doing a check for the trillionth time for cell phones and wallets, they decided to call an Uber to get to the club. When it arrived, Y/N recognized it as the driver that took her to the hotel a mere six hours prior. They glanced at her, and gestured for them to get inside of their minivan.

     "Who sits next to who?" Jay looked across the Misfits.

     "What are you, a school field trip?" Swagger scoffed.

      "I'll sit next to Y/N." Racc raised his hand. Y/N turned to him and smiled, agreeing. They sat in the back area, because as Matt said, "Children sit in the back."

     Y/N had forgotten how cramped the back area of a minivan was. Her legs were uncomfortably pressed to the seat in front of her, and looking over at Racc, he was having a much worse time. Being taller, he had longer legs. He seemed to heavily regret sitting here.

     "Hope your not claustrophobic." He grinned, deep voice still surprising her.

     "Oi, if you are uncomfortable back there, just make out or some shit." Fitz turned around in his seat.

     "Fitz! We're in a car, with people. Jesus Christ." Toby shook her head.

      The driver chuckled, and all members of the car started to profusely apologize. Y/N looked over to Racc's fluffy hair, and then to the ponytail holder on her wrist. She decided to make his day a little bit worse.

       "Bend over." She directed, gesturing him to lean his head near her.

       "Jesus I didn't think you would take my advice literly." Fitz turned around again.

       "Shut up." Y/N started to put Racc's hair into a ponytail.

       "Bitch." He groaned, utterly powerless.

       "Attractive." She giggled, looking at his messed up hair.

       "Bitch!" He said with more enthusiasm this time, the holders getting caught in his mane as he tried to pull them out.

       She gave him a playful slap on his cheek, just hard enough to make a mild noise. "Stop screaming."

      Jay turned around this time, "Okay what the FUCK is going on back there."

      "War crimes." Racc continued trying to pull out the bands.

      "Keep torching him Y/N!" Smii7y encouraged from the front of the car.

      "Kinky." John said, his smirk audible.

      "EW!" Racc and Y/N pulled apart.


      Y/N sat on a bar stool, her feet dangling. She stared angrily at the black X on her hand. She wasn't a dancer, and was low on energy anyways, so she drank Shirley Temples at the most famous club in LA. Suddenly, Smii7y sat down next to her. He glanced over at her tired expression and called over the bartender.

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