Oh No! New Characters!

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  The group sat around in the hotel lobby, sharing stories and killing time.

  "So, Y/N." Fitz rubbed his hands on his jeans, "You don't know who we are right, I mean, on Youtube?"

   Y/N faked innocence, shaking her head no.

   "Would you like to?" He pulled out his phone, despite everyone's objections.

   "Fitz! What the hell! We agreed not to hang around fans." Toby groaned.

   "She's gonna find out anyways, might as well have a chance to defend ourselves."

    Y/N raised an eyebrow, "Defend yourselves?"

    "You know what Toby, you're right. She doesn't have to know." Fitz immediately put his phone back into his hoodie pocket.

   Y/N moaned, "This is so stupid. We have like two things to do, and one of them is just showing me the videos."

   Matt suddenly stood up, "I know! Let's have her meet the guys!"

  Jay looked up towards him, "Who?"

  "John, Jaren, Ezra the guys!" He exclaimed.

  Y/N was rather excited now, though she didn't show it. She recognized those names. Kryoz, Smii7y, and Raccooneggs. She had actually been a fan of Smii7y for a while now, but knew she had to keep her cover as a YouTube newbie. Like anyone hadn't heard of Smii7y.

  "Oh rad, I'd love to." She piped up, twirling a pencil between her fingers. Matt bounced on his toes like a small child, and Y/N smiled.

  "You're cute when you're excited." She stuck out her tongue playfully, and Mason rolled his eyes from across the room.

  "Please stop." He sighed. Y/N flipped him off and continued talking to Matt.

  "Are we going to visit them? Or will the come here? What?" Y/N waved her hands.

  "We should meet up." Toby nodded, "There's a shopping mall around here."

   Y/N grinned, "Hell yeah! Shopping!"

   Matt smiled and reached for his phone.

   "That reminds me, should we put Y/N in our group chat?" Jay questioned.

   "Well now we have to." Fitz pulled out his own phone.

   Suddenly, her phone started to blow up. Checking it, she saw she was added to groupchat titled "Misfits+Friends".

452-***-6732: Added this new girl

818-***-5723: Why??

Hey I'm Y/N, can you introduce yourselves?:Y/N

818-***-6732: Fitz

562-***-7973: Oh, ok then we're using Youtube names, Smii7y

Oh, you're a YouTuber too?:Y/N

Smii7y: Yeah

818-***-5723: It's Kryoz, but you can call me daddy ;)

452-***-6328: gross. mason.

Kryoz: Fine. John works too.

Cool, so you're John :Y/N

321-***-4302: Swagger

391-***-7932: Racc, or Ezra. Your choice.

179-***-9328: matt

238-***-3437: Jay!

719-***-5430: toby :)

Swagger: That everyone?

Racc: Think so

Jay: cool

Fitz: Everyone meet Y/N, Y/N meet everyone

Nice to meet y'all :Y/N

Smii7y: So, how do you know everyone?

Matt: long story

Toby: long story

Mason: everyone except for racc, smit, and john are in a room together rn

Kryoz: So are we meeting up or not?

Fitz: Yeah, see you there

  After a haphazardly done conversation through text, it was decided they would meet up in an hour at the nearest mall. Until then, the group decided to split up and get ready, with many members opting to take a nap instead.

  Y/N's door closed behind her, as soon as she closed it, she sank to the ground with her back against the door. Extending her legs from under her, she pressed her palms into the carpet and sighed.

  "What are going to do now?" She muttered to herself, running her finger around her carpet. "You really fucked up now didn't you Y/N? This group of people you wanted to fist fight yesterday are now your best friends. Funny how that works huh? How all your friends left from under your feet, they all grew devil horns and tails." She made air quotes at that last part.

   "When you broke up with her, there went everyone. They revealed their deeper insides, didn't they. And now your friends are the same, at least you know their true beliefs this time. At least. Y'know, they aren't that bad." She started to convince herself, a soothing habit of playing both sides of the argument, "They seem rather nice, and they haven't been mean to you yet. Except that Mason guy. Maybe you were too harsh on them. Yeah."

  She nodded and stood up, "You don't need to actively change them. Change them with your presence."

   Y/N decided on new clothing. After searching the limited clothing she packed, she decided on (your favorite outfit, I'm no way in hell making an outfit I have terrible taste and it's just going to age poorly) and started to meditate.

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