Shopping & a Precursor to Clubbing

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      Shopping was uneventful. They all relaxed, allowing themselves to get to know each other in the form of forcing clothing onto each other.

   "Put on the goddam sweatshirt you son of a bitch." Y/N shoved a black pullover jacket against Matt, who had backed himself into a corner and was pushing her hands away.

   "No!" He spat back, curling up into a ball.

   "You'd look NICE!" She yelled, trying to pull his arms apart.

   "Holy shit!" Matt gasped, pointing behind her.

   She glanced back instinctively, and Matt dashed around her.

   "You bitch!" She ran after him.

   Y/N got to understand the Misfits better, and in turn they grew on her. She had only perceived them as they appeared on camera, and it became clear that it was just a persona. She enjoyed their company, missing a group of friends. They seemed to accept her as one of their own. They freely joked with her and all uncomfort had been eradicated. Y/N saw it as a pack of wolves raising a child. Yes, she was different than them, but at the end of the day they shrugged their shoulders and accepted her.

   "Mexican food?" She questioned, pointing towards a dingy mall restaurant.

   "Lets head over here first." Toby tugged Y/N over to another store.

   "Toby!" Jay complained, elongating the ends of his words, "We're hungry."

   "We'll eat when we eat." Toby waved her hands and continued tugging Y/N.

   Fitz loudly groaned. John joined in. So did Mason. And Smii7y. Soon there was a chorus of complaints echoing from everyone. Toby face-planted, and sighed.

   "Fine. Mexican food." She said.

    The group erupted in cheers, and headed over to the restaurant nearby. Racc fist bumped Y/N and she bopped his hair. He pulled backwards and bopped her on her head.

    "I'm gonna put your hair into pigtails." Y/N threatened.

    "You wouldn't dare."

    John still flirted with Y/N, causing incredible anger from Mason. He insisted it wasn't anger, but annoyance. Smii7y rolled his eyes. Y/N had moved on from her Matt crush, and it seemed as though Matt was glad to move on as well. Crushes were weird, and unfortunately unavoidable. And as much as she tried to avoid it, she still found herself blushing over inexpiable things.

     Soon it was almost midnight, and they sat around the almost empty mall. Florescent lights burned their retinas, but otherwise were largely ignored in the midst of laughter and playful banter.

    "Should we head back to our hotels?" Jay questioned, twirling his fork.

    John looked at him as though he had grown a second head. "Are you insane? It's like ten o clock."

    Fitz nodded, "We're in Los Angles, we're going out to party."

    "I'm 19." Y/N reminded him.

    "I'm 20." Racc added.

    "You're both bitches." Swagger laughed, "C'mon we can party. Just keep the alcohol away from you two younglings." He winked at Fitz in a way that silently said, I highly doubt we'll keep the alcohol away from them.

    "I'm not dressed for clubbing." Y/N noted, looking at her outfit.

    "Fine. Let's split up and get changed. Meet up in half an hour." Swagger tapped against the table.

    Jay started to look up nearby clubs, and they settled on one.


     A little while later, Y/N was back at her apartment. (Author's Note: Yeah I'm describing the outfit, sue me) She changed into a short black skirt, which extended all the way to her upper mid thighs. She wore a lacy black corset and a black top. The fishnets she bought before she displayed now, and finished off the outfit with platform demonias. Doing a quick pose in the mirror, she headed out.

     When she exited the hotel room, she realized she wasn't the first person there. Mason was sitting on a bench, staring at his phone. He wore black pants and a dark blue button up shirt, with the sleeves rolled to his elbows. She wordlessly sat down next to him.

     "Should we talk about earlier today?" He prompted, still staring at his phone.

     "I'd rather not." Y/N stated simply.

     "I'd rather we did."

     "What is there to talk about?"

     "I don't know. It just feels like we should."


   They sat in silence for a few minutes. Staring at the ground, Y/N focused on pebbles on the sidewalk. Suddenly, Mason grabbed her chin and tilted her face towards him. He leaned in and kissed her. It was a rushed kiss, haphazardly done and surprising. Y/N pulled back almost immediately.

    "What the fuck?" She stuttered.

    "Sorry, felt like I had to." He shrugged.

   She then, to Mason's surprise, kissed him again. She slid her hands around his neck and his around her waist. This kiss was proper, and when they pulled back, both were out of breath and gasping for air.

    "Okay." Mason panted.

    "Okay." Y/N responded.

    "Is that closure?" He smirked.

    "Not even close." She simpered back.

    "Okay, great." Mason stood up and started texting the groupchat, asking about whereabouts.





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