Kiss Kiss, Unfortunately

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   Y/N was mid meditating on the past few hours, when a now familiar sound rang out through her room. It was the sound of banging on a door, accompanied by colorful language and yells from Mason. Y/N knew that other people were staying in this apartment, Mason had not seemed to grasp this just yet.

  Y/N quickly ran to the door, not wanted to bother any unsuspecting hotel goers.

  "What you do want bitch?" She opened the door a crack and stuck her face through. Glancing back and forth, she realized just how many people were on this floor, and how loud Mason was. She gestured for him to come in.

  He caught onto her thought process, and opening the door slightly slid in. Closing the door behind him, they stood a few feet apart.

  "Nice outfit." Mason noted, looking her up and down.

   "Stop looking." Y/N hissed, immediately regretting letting him in.

   He raised his hands in mock surrender and side stepped around her, "What happened to us earlier? We were cool and pranking Fitz like half an hour ago."

   "What do you want?" She bit.

   He frazzled his hair, "I came because, well, I wanted to talk to you."

   Y/N raised her eyebrows, "No shit Sherlock. More specific."

   "I know you know who we are."

   Y/N was a little shocked, though she tried to regain her composure. There was no way he could know, she racked her brain for anyway he could. Backing up slightly, she tried to steady herself. There was no reasonable explanation why she was so nervous, she couldn't care less about them, but still she didn't want to be looked upon as a liar. For no reason, she cared about the opinions of those she previously despised.

   "What?" Her voice was shaker than she'd like, but it was better than it could've been.

   "Body language. You tense up when we bring up our group, almost like you know and are trying to pretend you don't. Also, you were wearing Smii7y merch." He gestured to her logo sweatpants on her bed. For some reason, this made Y/N bite back a snicker.

   She found herself involuntary speaking, despite her best efforts to be rational, "Don't tell." She whimpered.

   Mason glanced down at her, and smirked, "Your secret is safe with me, princess."

   "No questions asked?"

   "No questions asked."

   Y/N suddenly, without any thought beforehand, threw herself into his arms. Standing on her toes, she wrapped her own arms around his upper back and shoved her head into the crevice of his neck. He was unsurprisingly, shocked, muttering a quiet, "The fuck?" Before embracing her as well.

   She found herself melting into his arms, and as well melt away her own negative feelings, at least for the time being. Y/N couldn't express to Mason how much the approval of these Misfits meant to her, and how she wanted them to see her as she presented herself, not as she was.

   "This hurts." She whispered into his neck.

    "What hurts?" He muttered back.

    "Standing on my toes." She dropped down, and sat onto her bed. Mason followed her, sitting a down next to her. Flustered at the previous occurrence, she picked at her thumb. He looked over and pulled her index and thumb finger apart.

   "Your hands are pretty, don't pick at them." He said softly, rubbing his own fingers against hers.

   Y/N wanted to speak, but she felt she couldn't express her feelings without tripping over her words. She instead partially opened her mouth and closed it again. Unsure of where to proceed, she simply found herself staring at him. He looked at her as well, and they made comfortable eye contact. He nervously extended his hand, and ran a finger down her cheek.

  "Can we not be enemies?" Mason smiled, seemingly also unsure about what to do.

  "I'll think about it." Y/N replied sweetly, leaning in and scrunching her nose. He leaned in as well, and they brushed noses. Before they kissed however, another banging noise filled Y/N's room. They both recognized this as Fitz and the gang. Pulling back sharply, Y/N nearly fell of the bed.

   Standing up suddenly, she motioned to Mason to hide, with a quick whisper about endless teasing. He got the message and ducked into her bathroom. Y/N opened her door to screaming Misfit's members for the third time that day.

  "Need something?" She grinned.

   "You to leave." Swagger pushed in front, "Everyone except you and Mason is ready."

   "Yeah, where is Mason?" Fitz sighed.

   "He'll be there shortly. Meet you outside the hotel in a few." Y/N nodded, slamming the door closed.

   When she was sure they were down the hallway, she pivoted back towards her bathroom.

   "Out of my room you dog." She mocked him, pointing her finger to the doorway.

  He ducked out, and smirked slightly, "Sure thing princess."

  "Don't call me that."

  "Aye Aye Matey."

  "That's worse. Leave."

  Mason left her room, and Y/N was left to process her thoughts. She debated going over what just happened, but pushed those thoughts away. Checking her phone, she realized she needed to be outside already. Grabbing her purse, she ran downstairs, out of breath and panting at the bottom.

  They nodded upon seeing her arrival, and started walking, expecting her to catch up. She stumbled forward and raced to join them. She made eye contact with Mason, and instinctively pushed away from him. She wasn't fully comfortable with the idea of being on good, or even romantic, terms with him yet. Y/N made normal banter in the group, always sticking near Matt, and away from Mason.

   This was already the most interesting day she'd had in a while, and she suspected it was only getting stranger from here. It was around Eight PM, and vaguely knowing her surroundings and people with her, partying or something similar to it was to come.




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