Opening night

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As soon as they heard the doorbell ringing, Kurt got up from his seat to open the door for their new visitor — even though he really didn't need to, considering the door still didn't have a lock, anyway.

"Tina!" He smiled as the girl returned the gesture.

"Hi." She said, accepting the hug from Kurt as Rachel got up to greet her and everyone else just shouted their hello's at her, ober one another. "Hello, big fat Broadway star. These are for you."

Rachel smiled gratefully, accepting the flowers Tina had offered her, as the girl gasped once she was met with nothing but silence from her.

"Oh, no. Do you have laryngitis?" She asked, as Kurt shook his head.

"Oh, no, she's just resting her voice." He explained as Rachel nodded along.

"Oh, thank God." Tina breathed out. "This would not be a good time for your tonsils to flare up again. Remember that? First year of Glee Club? Hey, where is everyone? Rachel's opening night on Broadway is a big deal. And where's Artie? I was hoping to get to see him."

"Oh, his short film Bags in the Wind got accepted into the Ft. Lauderdale International Short Film Festival." Kurt explained, happy that, even though Tina had managed to bring up one of Rachel's bad memories of a time she couldn't sing, the girl was still confident enough to just brush it off and sit back on the couch with her tea.

"Oh, that's too bad." She frowned. "What about Sam?"

"Emily had a cheer competition early this morning and he went with her for support." Blaine explained the absence of his best friend in that little get together they were having. "The two of them will be here for lunch, though."

"Oh, good." Tina nodded and just when everyone thought she was done, she continued talking. "But what about everyone else? I mean, what about Quinn and Puck and Santana? I mean, are they just not being supportive?"

"Tina!" Mercedes interrupted her quickly before she could cause anymore damage. "Why don't you catch us up? How's Brown University treating you?"

"Ah, I love everything about it." Tina smiled, as everyone sighed in relief with the change of subject. "Except for my dorm room. My roommate... She's nice, but she's from Pakistan and she speaks almost no English and she's always watching that Al Jazeera channel. And, no, I don't have a boyfriend, but I was dating this really nice guy, but he turned out to be..."

"Gay." Blaine finished the sentence for her at the same time as Mercedes did too.

"Homosexual." Kurt nodded in agreement.

"No." Tina scowled at them, only to have everyone glare at her. She sighed then. "Yes. Anyway... Rachel, I read this amazing story about you on, and they are predicting that Funny Girl is gonna be a huge hit. And so is everybody else, except for a few moronic bloggers."

And there it was again... Jumping from his seat to walk toward the girl, Blaine tried to distract her with an offer of an iced mocha, but she just ignored him as she kept on rambling, completely oblivious to everyone stare's on her.

"But, I mean, who are they to call you pitchy? And do not get me started on those anonymous comment trolls. You are not that short..."

"Shut up." Kurt, Blaine and Mercedes yelled together once they realized subtle hints weren't cutting it.

Realizing her mistake, Tina placed a hand over her mouth quickly, watching as Rachel sighed deeply, before placing her tea down and getting up from the sofa with a very fake smile.

"It's fine. It's fine." She said, even though everyone knew it wasn't. "Frankly, the only opinions that I care about are you guys. And I love you guys and you love me. So, you know, if I ever need any validation, I just... Turn to my buffet of people right in front of me. If you don't mind, I am going to take a nap. This diva needs her beauty rest. So..."

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