Chapter 8: Trouble

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"CATRA!!" Bow screamed making Catra fall off her bed.

"WHAT!?" She yelled getting up. She heard footsteps approaching her & prepared for Bow to open the door.

"We have a problem!" He said & his voice cracked. Catra followed him upstairs & saw Glimmer.

"Hey Sparkles-"

"You're not going to like this." She said pointing at the dock. Catra's eyes widened & she glanced at the door.

"Already." She mumbled & she stepped back.

"We aren't ready!" She panicked & Glimmer nodded.

"He'd probably search the ship anyway." Glimmer muttered & she sighed before looking at Catra, with a sad expression. Catra turned her head & gulped.

"I'm sorry but we might have to turn her in."

"Wha- WE CAN'T!!" Catra yelled tears quickly flooding her vision.


"LEAVE ME ALONE!!" She shouted pushing Bow's hand away. She ran downstairs & went into her room & cried.

"Catra? What's wrong?" Adora asked opening her door. Catra took one glance at her before looking away.

"Catra?" She walked inside & sat next to her.

"What happened-"

"We have to turn you in."

"What," Adora asked, her expression changed severely. She glared at Catra before standing up.

"I'm out." She said before Catra grabbed her wrist.

"I-I don't want to but before you go." She said standing up. Adora rose an eyebrow before Catra kissed her. The panic in Catra made the kiss way more heated than necessary.

"Catra we have to-" Glimmer stared before taking a picture making both girls look away.


"I'm sharing this with Bow." She said before scurrying away. Catra sighed before letting go of Adora's hand.

"Go," She muttered & Adora understood. She ran off & Catra wiped her eyes. Catra soon followed after & the 2 stood in front of the water.

"You know where to find me," Adora whispered making Catra blush.

"Bye," She whispered before Adora jumped into the water & swam away. Catra waved until Adora was completely submerged in water. Her bottom lip quivered & she turned away.

"That- I'm sorry for you." Bow said hugging her.

"Yeah, at least Prime won't have her." Glimmer said & Catra sighed.

"I guess," Soon enough the ship parked on the dock & the three got off.

"There you are," Prime said approaching them.

"Why you look awful, what's wrong? Did it escape?" Prime asked which was directed towards Catra. She went to speak but Glimmer took charge.

"She was worried that mom didn't feed Melog & she didn't tell me until a few minutes ago." She said & Prime nodded. He turned his head & he smirked.

"Is that what I think it is?" He asked pointing into the water. The 3 turned their heads & their eyes widened.

"Why..." Catra muttered when Adora walked out of the water.

"Take me." She said holding her hands up.


"What are you doing?!" Catra asked & Adora smiled.

"Don't worry about me." She said when the clones grabbed her.

"It's nice to finally meet you-"

"Just take me away I don't want to hear your speech," Adora said making Glimmer snicker. Bow elbowed her & she stopped.

"Rude, come along now." Catra & Adora locked eyes & Adora smiled.

"I'll be ok, I promise." She said & Catra nodded. After Prime took her away Catra trudged to the car.

"Catra?" Bow asked catching up to her.

"What?" He glanced at her & noticed all the color was drained from her face.

"You should sit down, you might pass out." He said wrapping her shoulder around his shoulder. She mumbled thanks & the two went to the car.

"Just take a nap," Bow said & she nodded slowly. He turned his head & signaled Glimmer to come over. She followed & the two went into the car.

"I'm going to guess the trip went... not so great," Angella said & Bow nodded. Glimmer glanced beside her & felt bad for Catra. The trip back home was in uncomfortable silence. When they got home Glimmer shook Catra awake.

"I'm up," She muttered & everyone got out of the car.

"It's late, lets unpack tomorrow." Bow said glancing at Catra. Everyone agreed & they went inside. When Glimmer got inside she quickly raced to the shower. Bow went to the other bathroom & Angella looked at Catra.

"Do you need any medicine?" She asked softly. Catra shook her head & sighed.

"I guess this is what a break up feels like." She muttered & Angella nodded.

"Kind of," The two stood in silence until Angella went into the kitchen.

"Hey, Catra!" Glimmer called out & Catra went upstairs.


"Do you know if Prime owns a building?" Glimmer asked & Catra nodded.

"Yeah, why?"

"Oh! No reason!" She said cheerfully. Catra nodded & left.

"Building building," Glimmer muttered scrolling through the internet. Her eyes lit up when she found the address of Prime's building.

"YES!" She cheered before covering her mouth. She removed her hand & chuckled before turning off her laptop.

"Catra!" Glimmer called out. When she got no response she went downstairs.

"Catra?" She asked & turned her head when she heard the fridge being open up.

"Catra? What are you doing?" She asked walking inside.

"Just getting something to drink." She replied & Glimmer winced.

"Why though?"

"Because I want to," Catra responded before taking a pouring some kool-aid.

"Don't you think you're overreacting?" Glimmer asked & she glared at her.

"I'm overreacting? How would you feel if Bow got taken away?" She snapped & Glimmer stepped back.


"That's what I thought, leave me alone."

"Fine." She said before walking away.

"Ugh, this is going to be awful." Glimmer muttered taking out her phone.

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