I love her so much it hurts.

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Sam's p.o.v:
Joey comes out and says "Lennox would you like to meet your brother kyler chase graceffa?" She nods and grabs my hand and we walk in to the room. "Oh my gosh mom he's so cute!" She squeals when she sees Meghan holding kyler. Meghan hands him to Lennox carefully and she rocks him gently. "Hi kyler I'm your big sister" she says. Just watching her I can tell she's gonna be a great mom one day, hopefully to my children. "Can I talk to you in the hall for a sec?" Joey asks snapping me out if my thoughts. "Sure" I say following him out the door. "Listen I see the way you look at her, it's the same way I look at Meghan, full of love. am I right?" He asks. "Yea I mean I have never felt this way about anyone before, I feel like if I was to lose her I would just die right then and there because I would have nothing else to live for, she's perfect in every single way, and I know it must be hard for you to see your daughter and one of your friends together but I wanna thank you for adopting her and for not making a big deal out of me and her being together because I plan to Marry and have kids with her someday" I explain, I meant every word I said. He just smiles at me. "I hope you do sam, you make her so happy, and I know that she loves you with all her heart." He says. We go back in and I walk over to Lennox and stand behind her. "He looks like your mom" I whisper because Meghan fell asleep. "I know right but I also see dad in him too" she says. "Do you want to hold him?" She asks. "Sure" I smile. She hands the small bodied little boy to me and I smile. "Hey kyler I'm your sisters boyfriend, and maybe one day I'll be your brother in law" I say smiling at Lennox. She smiles back and looks at her feet. I love her so much it hurts. I just want her to be mine forever.
After being at the hospital for 3 hours me and Lennox decide to head home. Once we get there I take off my shirt and pants and slide into the bed. I watch Lennox unbraid her hair and take off her sweatshirt and pants then grab the shorts and T-shirt she was wearing before and watch her put them on. She goes to the bathroom and comes out a minute or so later and slides in the bed too. "Goodnight sam, I love you" she says snuggling into me. "Goodnight beautiful I love you too" I say switching the lamp off and wrapping my arms around her small body and slowly fall asleep.
*next morning*
I wake up and Lennox is still asleep, she's softly snoring which I find adorable. I just sit there and stare at her, taking in all her beauty, until I hear a knock on our door. I gently move Lennox from my chest and slide out of bed and walk to the door. "What?" I ask as I open the door. "I was just seeing if you guys were back yet" Connor explains. "Oh yea we got back around 4:00 this morning." I tell him. "Ahh" he says. "Can I talk to you about something, later" I ask. "Sure" he says. "Alright I'm gonna go back over to Lennox." "K" I close the door and walk back to the bed and crawl under the covers. I cup Lennox' face and stroke her cheek with my thumb, she stirs a bit and her eyes start to open. "Good morning beautiful" I say. She blushes and does her cute little giggle. "Good morning" she yawns. "What do you say we watch a movie and then by that time it will be visiting hours at the hospital so then we can go see mom and kyler" she says laying her head on my chest. "Connor wants me to help him film a video later so you can go see your mom and then tonight we can go out" I say wrapping my arm around her. "That works, but can we watch a movie now?" She asks. "Sure, what do you want to watch?" I chuckle while grabbing the remote and xbox controller. "Uh how about we just watch 'new girl' on Netflix" she says. I nod and turn on the tv and go to Netflix and start season 3.
*2 hours later*
"I'm gonna take a shower" Lennox says getting up. "Can I join?" I smirk. "Are you gonna try anything?" She asks raising her eyebrows. "Not if you don't want me too" I say. "Okay fine just don't do anything sexual" she says walking to the bathroom. I get out of the bed and go into the bathroom as well, once I'm in there she is already turning on the water and starting to undress. I pull off my boxers and and open the shower door, I get in and a few seconds later Lennox gets in as well. She steps in and wets her hair and starts to reach for the shampoo. "Uh uh I'll do it" I say grabbing the shampoo. "Fine" she huffs. I get a good amount on the palm of my hand and start to massage her head, after her hair is fully of soapy bubbles I grab the detachable shower head and tell her to lean her head back. She does and I rinse out the soap and grab the conditioner and work it in her hair, then while it's setting I grab her pink luffa and put her bath and body works body wash on it and gently wash her all over her body, I notice she's gained a few pounds but I don't mind I worried about how small she was. I rinse out the conditioner and rinse her body off. "Thank you babe" she says before kissing me and stepping out. I wash my hair and body and get out and dry my hair a little and put a towel around my waist and walk out if the bathroom. I see Lennox wearing black skinny jeans, a white 'juicy LA' muscle tee, hot pink vans, and black beanie. "You look beautiful" I say kissing her cheek. "Thank you" she blushes. I walk to dresser and grab a pair of boxers, black jeans, nirvana shirt, and my black vans. After I'm dressed I blow dry my hair and spray some cologne. "Bye sam I love you" Lennox says kissing me. "Love you too" I yell as she walks out the door. I grab my phone and walk downstairs, I pour a bowl of cereal and check all my social media. "You wanted to talk" Connor says coming into the kitchen. "Yea uh what would you think if I proposed to Lennox?" I ask. "I think that's great I mean she's 16 now so she will be 17 in a couple of months" Connor smiles. "Will you help me pick out a ring? I want to get her something flashy but not too flashy you know what I mean?" I ask. "Sure when do you want to go?"he asks. "Now?" I question. "Sure" he says. I grab my keys and we head to the jewelry store.
When we get there're hop out and go inside. "Hi can I help you with something?" I young woman asks smiling. "Uh yea can I look at your engagement rings?" I ask. When I do her face drops a bit, ha. "Uh sure" she says leading me and Connor to a little area that we can set and look. "Do you know what kind of ring you would like?" She asks grabbing some keys. "Uh something that says my boyfriend loves me but not something that says my boyfriend is trying to buy my love" I say. She nods and pulls out a few cases. "These are very nice" she says showing me a few cases of rings. "Uh I don't think these are Lennox" I say shaking my head. "Me either" Connor says. We look at dozens of rings when finally I see one in the case behind the lady. "Uh can I see that one behind you please" I say. "Sure" she says kind of annoyed. She pulls the ring out and hands it to me. I study it and finally decide this is the one. "I'll take it" I say. The lady tightens her jaw and says "are you sure your ready to make a commitment like this, I mean you look young you probably haven't even lived yet" she says. "Excuse me but that's none of your business, but yes I am ready I love this girl with all my heart and want to make her mine forever so can I just buy the damn ring!" I say a little louder than I probably should've. "Fine" she huffs. "What size?" She asks. "3" I reply. She walks away and comes back a few minutes later. "What color box do you want?" She asks. "Black" I reply. She puts the ring in the box and hands it to me. "$573.93" I hand her my credit card and type in my code. "Have a nice day" she mumbles. I nod and me and Connor leave and go to Taco Bell and grab some food.

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