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Kai woke up as late as usual. He woke up to find himself hugging his own pillows. He immediately stood up scratching his eyes.

He cooed upon seeing breakfast on the bedside table. It was pancakes, his favorites.

"Aw! Soobin hyung must've felt bad for pranking me yesterday!" He said and started eating cheerfully.

After he finished his breakfast. He immediately left his room to search for his friends. Or his sisters atleast.

However he got lost at the very unfamiliar place. Then a thought popped in his mind.

The last time he remembered was he was partying in his grandmother's house with everyone.

And this place looks nothing like her house. It looks like a real royal castle. But what is he doing here?

Then he remembered the clothes everyone was wearing. From Lia and Beomgyu's clothes. To Soobin and the other soldiers.

All of them were like from medieval period.

"Oh no... Where am I?" Kai shivered and started running to where his feet will bring him.

Then he accidentally bumped at someone causing both of them to fall on the ground.

"Sorry! Are you alright!?" Kai immediately stood up to help the girl he just bumped with.

But to his surprise, it was the girl he admired the mpst aside from his family members.

The girl immediately stepped back from him, obviously avoiding contact.

It made Kai even more confused. He canned him with his eyes and noticed how dirty her clothes was. It looked like a beggar clothes. Her hair was a mess and her skin was dirty and stained of cinders.

But nevertheless, she still looked very glamorous to his eyes.

"Please forgive me my Prince! I wasn't looking carefully that I bumped you!" She pleaded and knelt in front of him. "Please don't behead me! I'll do anything please! Have mercy! I have a family!" She cried while begging with her hands.

Kai frozed and couldn't say a word. He thought, why is everyone acting like this? Why are they calling me that? Why do they treat me as if I'm cruel?

He wanted to cry. But he was in front of her.

"Yuna, stop! I don't like this prank anymore! Not you too!" He asked and sat to level with her.

He held her shoulder only making her flinched with so much nervousnessm

"Please! Y-your Majesty! Don't do anything to me! Have mercy please!" She started crying with fear.

Kai immediately took back his hands. He felt bad for scaring her.

"Yuna! I won't do anything to you! W-why are you scared of me?" He asked with a soft voice.

He wanted to cry now.

"I'm so sorry if I scare you or anything! But please! Stop acting like this! You're seriously driving me crazy! And stop calling me that Prince thing!" He begged and helped her to stand up but she suddenly ran away.

He tried to ran after her but failed to find her. He couldn't help it anymore. He broke into tears with so much thought in his mind.

What is happening to my friends? What is happening to me? Why are they afraid of me?

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