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"Where is he!!?" Soobin exclaimed when they found Beomgyu in the middle of the
forest standing alongside with two horses.

Beomgyu looked at them. He was crying as Soobin and the others with him hopped off from their horses.

"H-he's gone..." Beomgyu muttered. "What do you mean gone?" Soobin yelled grabbing his collar.

Ryujin immediately pushed Soobin away as Lia blocked him from the boy.

"Beomgyu! Tell us what happened! What do you mean he's gone?" Ryujin asked calmly.

Beomgyu wiped his tears but they just kept coming. "I heard him laughing! He was following the blue bird!" He said and cried again.

Everyone has gotten more confused. "I saw it... Whenever his robe was touched by the branches, his robe turned into that strange clothes he wore when I first met him! I told him to stop and he said he's going home! Then he looked back to me! I tried catching up to him and told him to stop! When he did, he jumped off his horse! And his body faded! He suddenly disappeared! I didn't know where to look for him anymore!!!"

No one dared to speak after what he said. The only thing that could be heard was the sound of the trees and Beomgyu's cries.

"He... He's gone..." Ryujin whispered and looked at the forest. She doesn't feel his presence anymore.

It's been two years after Kai's grandmother passed away. He's also graduated from middle school and now attending his first year in college with his friends. They were still together until now.

Kai's parents decided to have a party to celebrate for Kai passing his college entrance exam. So his parents have people  sent to the mansion to clean.

Kai and his friends offered to help and went to clean the old library. As they were getting further with their cleaning...

"Oh guys look! What a very strange book!" Yuna exclaimed pointing at the huge book alone in a bookshelf.

Kai looked at it as the others rushed to see it completely blocking his sight of the book. He walked towards them looking at the book as they opened it turning every page.

"Woah! The words are printed in gold!" Soobin exclaimed.

Yeonjun closed the book and Kai saw the words carved on the book's cover.

"You and I met in the sky at 5:53?" Ryujin read aloud.

Kai felt the words familiar and thought of it for a while.

"Alright! I know this book is amusing! So let's just get back to cleaning!" Taehyun said and grabbed the book from Yeonjun's hands placing it back to the book shelf.

Kai decided to forget about it and continued helping the others clean.

The End...

"You'll come back~ When they call you~
No need to say goodbye~"

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