Chapter 1

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*Amelia's POV*

"Edward no" I screamed as he hit me across the face again. I immediately lifted my hand and felt the burning sensation run through my cheek.

"You will never try to run off again" he spat, raising his index finger as if telling of a child. I felt fury rush through me

"Okay I won't" I started, managing to push the anger deep down inside of me "I apologise" I whispered. I was sat on the bed when he walked out of the room.

I buried my face into the pillow to quieten the sound of my cries. I have lived here my whole live, yet I have not lived. Andrew, the father of Edward, took me from my mother when I was only a baby. From then on, I was raised in isolation, and even though me and Edward lived under the same roof, I had never laid eyes on him until last month.

Andrew was keeping me with him as he thought I would make a fine bride for his son. But Edward is a vile creature, he hits me and swears at me, like I am nothing but a child.

I had managed to climb from the balcony attached to my room and outside during nightfall, but he had realised my absence and sent guards to look for me, I would have been able to outrun them, but my dress caught on a bush and I had fallen to the ground. So I was stuck in here until the engagement party.

"Miss Amelia, this is my son, sir Edward" Andrew smiled, motioning me to look up at the staircase.

As I raised my head, I saw a tall figure make his way down to me. He was not handsome, his black hair fell down the sides of his face, it was almost wet with dirt, and his breath smelt like a dead pig. I stepped back, trying to breathe fresh air.

"Pleasure my lady" he said, bending down and kissing my hand. I cringed, taking my hand back quickly. His hand felt, warm and sweaty, his kiss was... Wet.

"Pleasure is all mine" I turned my head to the side to avoid eye contact.

"You two will be spending a lot of time together for these next weeks" Andrew intervened "Edward will be deciding if he wants you as his wife" he smiled, looking at Edward

"And what if I do not agree?" I said confidently, watching Edward's sleazy smile turn to the face of disgust at my comments

"You will learn" Andrew smiled "only the best for my son" he looked at me, unable to see my distress.

A couple of weeks later, we were engaged and Andrew had passed, leaving Edward to do what he wants and to discipline me as he pleases. Andrew protected me most of the time, but it was in Edward's nature to be violent.

Edward snuck back into my room to see me still sat on the bed.

"Darling, I hope you have forgotten out little argument there, I don't want to do it, you drive me to it" he smiled, leaning over to look at me. I could smell alcohol on his breath and it was strong. I turned my head, always trying to be as far away as possible. "Well?" He asked

"You are forgiven, now please, I feel like sleeping" I turned around, but he grabbed my waist and turned be back to face him

"You look so pretty tonight" he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, I shivered, every part of him repulsed me . I felt him grab the string a of my corset and pull them undone. I wriggled out of his grasp and pushed him away, seeing the devil flash in his eyes. "How dare you!" He shouted

"Edward, can't you wait til our wedding night?" I asked, trembling "can't you satisfy yourself with your usual Harlets?" I asked, his face shocked that I knew about the other women.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me close, his mouth moved to my ear. "I suppose I could" I felt his warm breath drift across my ear and his mouth curling into a smile. Before he left, he squoze my arm tight until I whimpered.

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