Chapter 1

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I let a tear silently roll down my cheek as I take my place by Effie's side.

-"And now...for the boys" Effie manages to choke up as she prevents a sob. I look down at the ground, one thought looping through my mind. 'Not Haymitch, not Haymitch, not Haymitch...' My thoughts are interrupted by Effie's words.

-"Peeta Mellark!"

My head perks up instantly as I look expectantly at Haymitch. He doesn't even look back at me as he steps in front of Peeta and volunteers. I breathe out a sigh of relief. Haymitch kept his promise. Peeta grabs his arm and seems to mumble something but Haymitch just shakes him off and stands at Effie's other side.

-"Ladies and gentlemen" Effie speaks, sounding extremely unlike her usual self, "the District 12 tributes of the 75th Hunger Games."

I stare at the horizon, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone, but I notice hundreds of fingers coming up in unison as the people pay their respects by silently kissing their hands and holding three fingers up. At that moment, I didn't even care that it could get all of them killed. I brought my arm up and copied their movement. I see Haymitch and Peeta do the same as Effie stands there awkwardly, not sure what to do. I feel my arm being pulled, dragging me into the justice building. Prim's faint screams of my name bring me out of my thoughts and I realize something isn't right. What about my goodbyes?

-"We're going straight to the train station." the Peacekeeper says, perhaps reading my thoughts.

-"NO! PRIM!" I try to fight back, but the door slams behind me and cuts off my words.

-"What the hell Haymitch!" Peeta screams angrily, with the same tone I heard the first day of the Victory Tour, "I thought we had an agreement!"

-"Peeta,no, you had no right to make that kind of agreement with Haymitch, it's your turn to live." I respond, before Haymitch can answer.

-"I could say the exact same to you Katniss." He steps towards me, making me back away a bit. I have never seen Peeta so angry.

-"STOP IT YOU TWO." Haymitch interrupts, "As far as the Capitol knows, you two are still in love. Peeta you need to be angry that I volunteered, but you cannot act this way towards Katniss. You have to act like you love her no matter what."

-"I do love her no matter what..." Peeta mumbles under his breath, probably not wanting me to hear it. A pang of guilt hits my chest, as it does every time he says something like that. The train pulls into the station and Peeta steps in only to immediately go to his quarters. I step in after Haymitch and sit on one of the many couches. I stare at my intertwined fingers and feel the weight on the couch shift as Haymitch sits beside me.

-"I'll...go get some drinks." Effie says, and walks away.

-"You know he'll never forgive you for that right?" Haymitch says as he turns his head to look at me.

-"I know."

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