Chapter 16

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I walk into the cafeteria and Gale runs up to me with a huge grin on his face. He doesn't wait for me to ask,

-"Coin is letting us go hunt in the woods around District 13!"

I immediately mirror his expression and bombard him with questions.

-"Really? How? When did you ask? How often can we go? And for how long?"

He simply laughs and answers my questions.

-"I convinced her that it could be our training and we could bring food back for the kitchen. Obviously, there are restrictions. Two hours a day, and a quarter mile radius. They're also giving us communication units and tracker anklets. It's not exactly like before, but isn't this amazing?"

-"Yes!" I exclaim, I haven't been this excited in a very long time. This is going to be like the good old days, with Gale. Before the war, before the games, before any of this. We stand in line to get food, smiles stretching from ear to ear.

-"Oh by the way, Coin wants us all in command before lunch." Gale breaks the silence.


-"Plutarch, Fulvia, your prep team, you know."


-"About your propo, I assume."

-"Well that's going to be fun." I roll my eyes.

We go sit and eat, still chatting about our new hunting privileges.

I am once again seated at the long table, but this time I am not expected to speak just yet.

-"Welcome everyone," Coin says "I think you are all aware that Miss Everdeen has filmed her first propo as our Mockingjay." I shift uncomfortably in my seat, and everyone else looks around awkwardly. We all know I did terribly. I decide to save time.

-"I did awful. We all know it. You don't need to phrase it in some fancy manner. And I'm sorry, but I don't know what to do! This camera thing isn't working."

-"While I'll admit the results weren't the most satisfactory, that's the only option we have. Unless you have another suggestion?"

I haven't thought that far ahead, but the words come out of my mouth on their own.

-"I want to go outside. In another district. Where all the fighting is going on."

-"That is far too dangerous," she tries to go on but Plutarch interrupts her.

-"She has a point, Katniss has always worked well...what's the word...spontaneously."

I smile at Plutarch, trying to pass the message of my gratitude.

-"We can't endanger her, people think she's pregnant as well." Coin retorts.

-"Say she lost the baby. It'll attract sympathy too. I mean, she did get electrocuted." Gale states from across the room. I feel Peeta tense up next to me.

-"Fine. Take her to District 8. There was an attack yesterday, so it's probably the safest place for now. I want an entire squad, all armed including her."

We're all surprised that she agreed so easily, but we don't complain. I don't feel like elaborating the plan, so I just stand up and leave.

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