Chapter 27

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I power-walk to the general direction I was directed to, hoping to see someone from my squad.

-"Katniss!" I hear Finnick calling out from behind me. I stop and smile at him. "Squad 451?" He asks, and I nod.

-"Do you have any idea which tent we're in?"

-"I'm guessing the tent Peeta is waving from."

I'm not happy Peeta is here, but he isn't happy about my presence either. Being in the same squad will allow us to protect each other though. Our gear clunks together as I embrace him. Another soldier stands at the corner of the tent putting together her gun, her long dirty blonde hair tied up in a high ponytail. Then I see the one person I was hoping wouldn't be here: Gale. He has ignored me since we last spoke, but our history makes it impossible for us to simply forget everything and never speak again.

-"Alright Squad 451," Boggs walks into the tent, "I am your squad leader. This is Jackson, my second in command. Now let me explain how this is going to work. This squad has been handpicked with the people we have evaluated to help the most on-screen. So we will be following blocks away from the front line, filming propos-"

-"So you're saying we aren't going to fight at all?" Gale interrupts.

-"I wasn't finished speaking soldier Hawthorne," Boggs retorts, a stern look on his face, "Do not think this will not be dangerous. It is more than likely that we will encounter both active pods and peacekeepers."

Peeta, Finnick and Gale start protesting, but must be surprised that I am not agreeing with them. But I don't plan on staying in this squad for very long. Boggs dismisses their words with a wave of his hand and continues.

-"We have the filming crew here as well. You probably know them; Cressida, Castor, Pollux and Messalla. Before we go, Katniss, Peeta, and Finnick, they want to see you in Command one last time."

Standing right in front of the door to Command is Haymitch.

-"Look, I know you three aren't happy," he blocks us from entering, "But you all need to cooperate. You are the Capitol's targets. You aren't safe either way, but you will be helping the cause more this way than on the front lines."

None of us respond, and I try to shove past him, but he doesn't let me.

-"Understand?" He insists. I briefly nod and he sighs, knowing that's the best he will get out of me.

For what is probably the last time, I sit at the long table, surrounded by people who could be dead in just a few days. I'm not sure what I expected, maybe some real information, but all I get is another motivational speech from Plutarch. I quickly doze off, boredom invading me. Once again, I have no idea what my goal is. Prim is dead. Even in my thoughts those words sting. Prim used to be the only person I'm certain I love. But now there's someone else: Peeta. I'm not sure how Peeta would react if I died, or how I would react if he died. I cannot let the same emptiness fill me during this mission. My mission. My promise to kill Snow. And I never break my promises.

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