Chapter 37

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It's nostalgic being in this room again. The tribute living quarters before the first games. Before any of this. Now I'm patiently awaiting my trial, locked up in the only room they found suitable. They thought it would be unpleasant, based on the circumstances I was in when I first lived here, but it's a relief being somewhere familiar again. I would just die if I could. But the windows are locked, and I have nothing to tie a noose with. And that's not the only thing stopping me. Peeta. I know that he and Haymitch are out there, trying to plead with the judges. Trying to convince people I was just reckless, that Snow got to my head and made me crazy. They aren't wrong, he did get to my head. But he enlightened me. Snow is dead now. It's unsure how exactly, but no one really cares as long as he's dead. He was found still strapped on the pole once the crowd cleared, his cheeks, throat and collar smeared with blood.

I know that unless Peeta and Haymitch persuade the judges to let me go, my sentence will be death. I'm not sure what is going to happen, or what I want to happen. This world is too destroyed to properly live in. But with Peeta's way with words, could he find a way to free me? What would I do if he does? For the past year, I have lived under someone's control, my days planned out beforehand. I wouldn't know what to do.

Since I have no clue what to do, I eat what they give me and wear what they give me. What would Peeta say if he found me dead in this room after he convinced the judges? I can't disappoint him. So I follow the robotic motions, day after day. Until one day, I start singing. My voice raspy at first, but after so much practice, it becomes beautiful. The same voice I used to sing with my father. I sing the songs he taught me, my infinite boredom dragging the lyrics out of my deepest memories. I sing for Prim, like before the day of the reaping. I sing for Rue, like the moment before she died. I sing for Finnick, like I did while dancing joyfully at his wedding. I sing for all of the lives that were lost during these seventy-five atrocious years.

Peeta and Haymitch barge into my room, and seem relieved when they see me humming softly while looking out the window.

-"Come on, your trial is over." Haymitch says gruffly.

I stand there, confused. Over? It hasn't been that long, only a few days. Peeta walks to me and helps me stand up, I lean on his arm as we leave.

-"Where are we going?" I ask.

-"Back to District Twelve," Haymitch says, not bothering to look at me.

-"But Twelve has been destroyed," I stare at him, puzzled, "There's nothing left."

He gets a flask from inside of his jacket and takes a swig of it.

-"They've started rebuilding it," Peeta answers for him.

We board a hovercraft, where I see Plutarch seated at a table. Even though I don't ask, he explains everything that has happened to me in the past few days. Last minute elections are to be held soon, but I won't be old enough to vote anyway. Thanks to Peeta, Haymitch, and apparently Doctor Aurelius, I am off the hook for killing Coin, but I need to attend appointments through the phone twice a week.

Once we arrive at District Three, we drop off Plutarch, but are quickly on our way to Twelve. Construction is everywhere, but Peeta brings me to a small house on the side of the meadow. It seems brand new, but I get familiar feelings just by looking at it. It feels like home. I am home.

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