Chapter 35

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The fabric of my clothing rubs uncomfortably on my burnt skin. My hair braided with knots and loose strands. I wear the plain clothes that have been supplied to me. I wander outside of my room, unsure of where I am going. But it makes sense once I reach my destination. President Snow's rose garden. It's huge, but it doesn't surprise me. I can already sense the delicate smell of the flowers. I slowly walk down the steep hill, careful with my steps. The two guards standing by the glass doors notice me and start whispering to each other, but I ignore them and keep walking.

-"I'm sorry, Miss Everdeen, but we cannot let you pass." One of them says as I reach the door.

-"I just need a rose," I croak, my throat still sore, "One rose."

They glance at each other, confused by my request, but someone interrupts whatever thoughts are going through their minds.

-"Let her in," Commander Paylor shouts from the top of the hill. They open the two glass doors wide and I step inside. The intoxicating smell fills my nostrils immediately. I almost gag. As much as I despise these flowers, I must admit they are beautiful. From deep reds to the palest blues, all colors decorate the trimmed bushes. I walk around, trying to get used to the aroma, and a single bud catches my eye. Pure white, not fully opened yet. I pluck it gently, contemplating it.

-"That's a nice one," his voice startles me. Why is he here? Shouldn't he be locked up in some cell? "I've always been fond of the white ones."

I turn around to meet his snake-like eyes. His lips are just as puffy, but his face looks thinner.

-"Why are you here?" I ask, but it sounds more like a demand.

-"Oh, I don't think Alma Coin would want to be in a prison cell if she were ever in my situation."

His response confuses me, and he continues before I can formulate a proper answer.

"You still think she is your savior? The one who will restore peace?" He laughs, so hard he starts to choke and has to cough in his handkerchief. "Oh my dear miss Everdeen, I thought you were smarter than that."

-"I never liked Coin." I state.

-"Oh, that I assumed. But she's a genius, really. Sending that hovercraft in with the bombs, it turned the last of my staff against me. Although unlike her, I don't try to hide my dark sides."

-"You sent in those bombs." I try to sound certain, but I'm too puzzled to be convincing. He starts to laugh, then cough, once more, and I notice the handkerchief is stained crimson red.

-"Do you really think that?" He interrogates me, "What advantage would I gain by killing a pen full of Capitol children? None. Coin on the other hand," he chuckles, "I think she has big plans for this nation."

My mind starts functioning again, being dragged out from the blank state it has been in. There's no reason it would be Snow. Why would he do that? And we have those bombs in District 13, I know this for sure. It's the bombs Gale designed. Was he aware they would be used in this way? I hope not. The rose tilts in my fingertips, jolting me back to reality.

-"I think you understand, Miss Everdeen," his eyes pierce through me, "That I am not the real enemy anymore."

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