Sleep Walking

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this is set before the invasion when they are camping out, between episodes

Tophs pov

Toph wasn't having the best day. Appa had got really tired after a small headache, so he couldn't fly. The gang had to walk, and the universe was just out to get Toph. First she had stubbed her toe, witch confused her. Then she had accidentally walked into the rock witch the sun had been shining on all day. The rock was very hot.

She burned her feet a bit and started to sting a little when she walked. Appa had to carry her the rest of the day. When he gave up they decided to make camp for the night.Everyone set up camp but Toph, she carried her own load. She made her Rock tent and only came out when Katara offered to heel her feet with some extra water down in a creek not to far. Her feet had started to feel better. The sun had set and the moon had rose. Toph tried to fall asleep but every time she did she had weird nightmares.One was very bad, she had this nightmare where she couldn't earthbend or metal bend at all. Witch means she couldn't sense any vibrations. It scared her very bad that she didn't feel ok alone. She walked out of her tent and made her way to the team mate she felt most comfortable with, Sokka. He was sleeping so she just tapped his shoulder, " sokka?" He asked."Huh?" He asked waking up. He sat up and noticed Toph. She seemed a little scared and a bit upset. " woah, Toph are you ok?" He asked.She shook her sitting down, " n-no, I had a nightmare" she whispered. Momo made his way over to the two. He sat on Toph's lap, and she pet him, making her feel a bit better." do you want to talk about it?" He asked her. She nodded, " I lost my bending, I couldn't sense anything, sokka." Momo jumped off her lap as she pulled her legs to her chest." don't worry Toph, that's not going to happen. Just try and think about the good things." He suggested. She nodded, but kept her knees to her chest. He noticed she was still a bit shaky. " d-do you wanna sleep here with us?" He asked. She nodded, "please." Sokka then made some room for her next to him and katara. She laid between them, and momo curled up on her legs. She scooted closer to Sokka, basically sharing the sleeping bag. She closed her eyes and drifted into a dreamless sleep.Toph woke to snickering. She opened her eyes, hearing Aang and Katara snickering at her " what's so funny?" She asked." oh nothing," Katara giggled a little and pulled aang away. Toph then realized she wasn't where she was when she fist fell asleep. She was exactly next to Sokka, holding onto his arm, her head burried into his shoulder. He was still asleep. She smiled when she realized that, she closed her eyes once again and fell asleep

 Feel free to request any Tokka OneShots, I'm thinking of doing one called: getting a better look at you. 

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