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So since Toph is blind she can feel whats written and think about what she wants to be written back and it appears. Also IM new to this whole Soulmate thing so I probably got everything wrong.

also azula isnt mean or anything she can be rude but she actually cares

Toph's POV

Toph woke up to her falling face first on the cold hard floor. "OW!" she hissed as she rubbed her forehead before sitting back up. She got up and brushed her shirt off before asking her Alexa what time it was. "It is currently 7:02 A.M." it said in its robot voice.

She groaned and changed into a baggy T-shirt and sweatpants before grabbing her phone and backpack and heading out of her room. She went to the kitchen to find her brother already up. "Hey Zuko." she said, sitting down her bag and sitting at the bar in the kitchen, "Hey sis." he said, grabbing a cup that said : #1 best little sister, and filled it up with some tea and passed it to her. Even though she could not see what it said, she still loved that he bought it for her.

She took a sip of the jasmine tea then sat the cup back down, "Thanks," she smiled, " where is Azula?" she then asked, noticing she was no where to be found. Zuko grumbled a little as he pulled some microwaved pancakes out and started to heat them up, "she and Ty Lee had volleyball practice this morning." he said. Toph nodded, "mk."she replied, sipping some more tea.

Once the two of them finished their breakfast and getting ready they went outside and got in Zuko's car. Zuko always let her sing along to Billie Eilish on their way to school. He connected her playlist and it begun. " Stop, what the hel-" Zuko looked at her, "Toph." he said, but she ignored him, "are you talking about? Get my pretty name outta your mouth, We are not the same with or without.Don't talk 'bout me like how you might know how I feel.Top of the world, but your world isn't real,Your world's an ideal.So go have fun. I really couldn't care less.And you can give 'em my best, but just know,I'm not your friend or anything, da-"

"Toph!" He warned her. She rolled her eyes,"ok." Soon after another couple songs they reached their school. They hoped out of the car and started walking into the school. Zuko and Toph were noticed by Ty Lee, who was still in her volleyball  outfit, "Zuko! Toph!" she said, running up to them, a little worried.

"Hey Ty Lee." Zuko waved, "whats wrong?" She bent own a little, her hands on her knees, catching her breath, " its Azula, she hurt her ankle this morning at practice, she is at the nurse. I was told to come get you guys, come on." she said, grabbing onto their wrist, pulling them to the nurse office. 

"Azula!" Zuko said, getting a hold of Toph's arm. She sensed Azula sitting on a cot, "are you ok?" he  asked. She nodded, shrugging, " I will be ok, I just need you to drive me to the rapidmed down the street. If we go now we should be back before lunch." she said, hopping up onto her good foot. Azula leaned onto her brother for support and looked at Ty Lee and Toph,"w-will you be ok?" she  looked at Toph. Zuko took her to all her classes so this would be a bit hard. Toph knew that Azula needed to get her ankle checked out. She nodded, " yea, Ty Lee could you take me to my classes?" she asked,holding onto her arm.

Ty Lee smiled and bounced a little, "Sure!" Toph then placed a hand on Zuko's shoulder, " meet you at lunch?" she asked. He nodded, "yea," She smiled and turned back to Ty Lee. Ty Lee held her arm and started to walk her to her first class. Toph started to hear a voice i her head that sounded like a males. She also felt her arm tingle a little. 'Hey'  The voice said. "did you hear something?" she asked Ty Lee.

"no." she shook her head. ' Im Sokka, who are you?'  The voiced asked. The tingled started up again in her hand. "Ok." she stopped walking, witch confused Ty Lee. "whats wrong?" Ty Lee asked. " i keep hearing this voice an my hand is tingling." she said. Ty Lee lifted Toph's hand so she could see it, "oh." she chuckled, " It seems like you and your soulmate can start  writing to each other." 

"but I cant write." she pointed out."well, I heard that you could think and it appears, I could write for you first if you want." she offered. Toph nodded, " sure, could you say : hi im Toph.?" she asked. Ty Lee nodded and pulled out a green pen and started writing on her arm. She felt it tingle a bit. "thanks."  she said. Toph then went into her classroom and sat down, listing to her teacher going on and on over what ever she was teaching today.

She felt her arm tingle. ' well, its nice to meet you Toph, any thing interesting about you?'  The voice asked. She then thought about her response ' well, I am blind,  have to think to talk or write to you." She thought. She felt her arm tingle a little more, witch probably  meant it worked.

' oh, well, at 7:00 tonight I want you to sit in front of a window and close your eyes, and think. Just think about me, ok?'  My eye brows scrunched up a little. I was confused, but he was my soulmate, so I should trust him. 'ok' she thought. And hdf arm tingled.

Ty Lee took Toph to one  other class before she her to lunch. "do you see Zuko or Azula?" she asked the older girl. Ty Lee gasped and nodded, "Yup, c'mon."she said, pulling Toph to her brother and sister.  Azula had her foot in a cast and had crutches. "Azula, are you ok?" Ty Lee asked.

Azula nodded, "yea, just a sprained ankle, im benched for about a few weeks." she said, sitting down on a bench. Toph sat between her sister and brother, and pulled out the sandwich Zuko made her. "oh! Great news!" Ty Lee said, smiling, "Toph can write to her soulmate now!"

Zuko jerked his head over to his little sister, "what? Who is he?" he asked, taking her arm, reading over the pen marks on her arm, as she sat there eating her sandwich. " His name is Sokka and he wants you to close your eyes at 7:00?" he asked. Toph just shrugged as her arm was passed around  to all three of them as they read it to themselves. 

She then pulled her arm away from them, " what ever." she rolled her eyes, "what happened when you guys got your soulmates?" she asked. Azula sighed, "Only ZuZu has got his soulmate, her name is Mai? correct?" she asked.

Zuko nodded, "yes, she is nice and goes to another school." he said, rolling up his hoodie sleeves. He had red and black pen writing all up his arms. " I plan to meet with her this weekend." he shrugged, pulling it back down. 

Toph shrugged, "Just be back before monday so that you can help us at school, now that Azula needs a ride." she pointed out. Zuko nodded, "yea sure." 

Soon the school day ended, Zuko then drove them home. Toph sat her thing down and did her homework. "TOPH!" Azula yelled from down stairs, "Uncle Ihro is here." Toph smiled and bounced off her bed. She went down stairs. "Uncle Ihro!" She said, giving her uncle a hug.

" ah, Toph." he hugged her. " Its great having you here." she told her uncle and sat down at the bar. He then handed her, Azula, and Zuko cups of tea. They drank it and decided to catch up a little. She then felt her arm tingle. ' its 6:55' Her eyes widened. "I have to go, but I will be back later." she said, waving her family goodbye as she ran up to her room.

She sat on her bed in front of her window. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. It got a bit darker until she realized she was, seeing something? She was looking out, seeing many colors, and a sun setting over some dark trees and a lake or ocean. She smiled as she watched the sun set all the way and everything went black again. She opened her eyes and gasped. Her arm tingled again, ' Did you like it?'

Small tears started to drip from her eyes as she though of a reply. ' I loved it.' She smiled. Even though she has never met Sokka, if he were to go through and some how pull that off, he must really be an amazing person.

She then heard someone at the door, "Toph?" He heard Zuko asked her. He went and sat next to her and noticed her tears, "are you ok?" she nodded, "Sokka let me see. I saw a sunset, it was." she paused, "beautiful."

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