Time of our Lives

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Toph's POV

Toph ran through the Ice and snow, hoping with her heart she wouldnt bump into anything. She was in the south pole, coming to see Sokka, who wasnt doing to good. She then stopped to take off her shoes. She didnt care how cold it was, she had to get to Sokka, one way or another.

Once she made it to Sokka's house, she noticed Katara and Zuko already there. She ran up to them, not caring how cold she was, "where is he?" she asked. Katara placed a hand on her shoulder, "down the hall, first door to your left."she said, her voice breaking a little.

Toph didnt have time to thank her. She went down the hall as fast as she could. She went into Sokka's room. There he was.

Don't close your eyes, dear, don't you be nervous

Toph took a deep breath before walking up to her snoozles. Even though she couldnt see what he looked like, she had an almost actuate guess on how he was. He was in the bed, his eyes barely open. She couldnt take it.

She slowed her pace and walked to his side. She found his hand, and held onto it tight, "Snoozles?" she asked. She heard a chuckle, "well, isnt it the one and only melon lord."

You put this whole damn place in a spell 

"sokka.." she croaked out, "dont go." she said , as tears started to drip from her milky eyes. "I-i will b-be ok. I-i will s-see aang and s-suki." he gave her a smile. She then placed a hand on his cheek, hovering over him.

I see your friends here, and some of them jealous
'Cause they know this love don't come off the shelf

"h-hey." he whispered, "r-remember when  I met your p-parents after w-we saved the world f-from o-ozai?" he asked. Toph nodded, "s-she thought you were weird." she chuckled, still crying.

 saw your mother, she looked so beautiful
Remember when she didn't think I would stay?
But all of those late-night, brokers-held dinners
Led us to where we're standing today

Sokka smiled again, "i-its my time t-toph.." She drew in a quick, shakey breath, "n-no, snoozles dont say that!"

I'm feeling time moves slow

He then placed a hand on her cheek, " i-i know you dont c-care much for l-looks." he whispered, "b-but you are beautiful. i-i get lost i-in your e-eyes every time i g-gaze into them."

I'm seeing faces glow
None of them shine as bright
As you tonight

Toph gave him a sad smile, " snoozles," more tears fell.

I'm hearing voices hush

"Toph." his voice started to get a little quieter, " i-i love you." he smiled, " i-i am so p-proud of Su. A-and lin." Toph's grip on his hand tightened, as if she was holding onto his life for him. 

Darling, there's so much love
Under these lights
If it's okay, let's just have the time
Of our lives

"r-remember when i first met your father after we got the fire nation ship?" Toph asked, trying to think of as many memories as she could, "snoozles, he thought i was crazy." Sokka chuckled when he heard that, "y-yea he did."

 I saw your father, he wouldn't talk to me
Till he could tell that I was here to stay
But all of those awkward short conversations
Led us to where we're standing today

"b-but he grew t-to love you. l-like how i-i love you." he smiled. " oh snoozles.." Toph continued to cry.

I'm feeling time moves slow
I'm seeing faces glow

"t-toph, you have t-to be strong." he continued, "b-be strong f-for me. ok?" Toph didnt answer, she just nodded. " g-good. y-you will b-be with us one d-day. w-we will all b-be together once a-again"

None of them shine as bright
As you tonight
I'm hearing voices hush
There's no one else but us
Darling, there's so much love
Under these lights
If it's okay, let's just have the time
Of our lives

"t-team avatar.." she  cried, "i-its breaking. we lost twinkle toes, Suki, now you?" she drew in another shakey breath, "s-sokka please."

Time of our lives
Time of our lives
Time of our lives

"hey." he hushed her, "we are not broken. j-just a b-bit separated a-at the m-moment." he pointed out. Toph then started to hold onto Sokka a little tighter, "snoozles..."

I'm feeling time moves slow
I'm seeing faces glow

"a-and if im b-being honest." Sokka's voice grew quieter, " y-you j-joing the team." he paused, giving her another weak smile, "w-was the b-best thing t-to ever happen to m-me.."

None of them shine as bright
As you tonight

Sokka's hand then slowly dropped from her cheek. His grip on her hand became loose, and the pillow his head was on, became more flat. Toph's eyes widened before she shut them. More tears started to drip from her shut eyes. Her heart was shattered into million's of pieces.

She then let go of him. She took a step back, and wiped her eyes, "oh snoozles." she whispered. She then slowly made her way out of the room, over to where Katara and Zuko where. They noticed her. Her eyes were red and puffy, and dried trails of tears stained her cheeks. 

Zuko first came up to her. He hugged onto her tight. Soon Katara joined in. They stayed there, crying to themselves. Kya, Bumi, and Tensin had walked in. They watched them hug each other, and whispered thing to each other such as : did he.. ya know.

I'm hearing voices hush

Soon Toph couldnt do it anymore. She missed her snoozles with her life. Even though he was gone, she could feel him. His presence was still here.

There's no one else but us

"i-i miss him." she whispered to the smaller team avatar. Zuko ran his hands down her back, " so do i." he mumbled. Katara nodded, " and me."

Darling, there's so much love
Under these lights

"h-he told us to be strong." Toph chocked out, "but its hard." she gripped onto them tighter. They agreed. It was going to be hard to get used to not having the sarcastic meat head with them.

If it's okay, let's just have the time

"b-but we can do it." she mumbled.

Let's just have the time

"for Suki." katara whispred. "aang." Zuko added.

Toph allowed some more tears to fall "and sokka." 

Of our lives..

// i prob killed your hearts. srry//

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