Pillow Part 2

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Sokka's POV

Sokka woke with a moan. He slowly opened his eyes, feeling a bit heavy. Was something on top of him? He finally opened his eyes enough to see that Toph was snuggling up to him. At first he thought it was fine, since he had just woke up. He then closed his eyes, trying to fall back asleep, when it hit him. "OH MY-"

That made Toph wake up. She shot her head up, sitting up, " WHO'S TRYING TO KILL US?!" She yelled. Sokka sat up, leaning up against the frame of the bed, "n-no one its just..." he trailed off, watching the earth bender relax. 

"just what?" she asked. He sighed, shaking his head, "n-nothing." he looked to the window, seeing the sun, " It is morning though." he said, getting out of bed. He grabbed  a pair of clothes and went into the bathroom to change, forgetting Toph could not see on the boat.

"Sokka?" Toph started asking. He could hear her through the door. 'oh crap' he thought. "Im in the bathroom I will be out soon!" he called reassuring her. Once he finished changing he came out, noticing Toph sitting on the bed, hugging the pillow that he was using that night. "Im out." He said, sitting next to her.

"Ok." she mumbled. "We should be at Ba Sing Se soon, do you want to change or wait till we get to Ihro's." He asked. "Ihro's, since I cant see." she said. He nodded, "Ok, lets go." He then helped her off the bed. They made their way out of the room, and onto the deck of the boat.

Once there, Sokka noticed a familiar wall, "I see it." He told Toph, as she clanged onto his arm, pretty tight. "ok, lets get off this death boat." she told him. Soon the boat arrived at the dock, making Toph a bit spooked. 

Sokka led her down the part connecting the boat to the dock. Once Toph's felt earth, her smile returned to her face. " FINALLY!" she said, dropping on her back into the earth, enjoying it.  Sokka smiled as he watched her, " ok, we better hurry if  we  wanna get to Ihro's before lunch." h told her.

"Ok."she said, earth bending herself up to her feet. They started to head their way to the train, witch would lead them to Ihro's tea shop. Once they got to Ihro's, he seemed very happy to see them. "aah." Ihro smiled, "I see you have come to visit, how wonderful." his smile grew, " I have an extra room for you in the back."

He showed them to the room. Sokka decided to help Ihro with the shop while Toph changed. "Its so great to have help here again, how is my nephew doing?" he asked Sokka. "Zuko is doing great! He and Mai are spending some time at Ember Island for the week." He told him.

"Young love." Ihro smiled, "reminds me much of you and Toph." He chuckled. Sokka almost dropped the cup he was holding, "w-what? n-no we are just friends." he corrected Ihro as he served a table. 

 " I can tell the way you both feel for each other. Its better if you tell soon, before there isnt enough time to be with each other." Ihro said, placing a hot cup of tea on a different table. That started to make Sokka think.

did he love Toph?

That night

"H-hey Toph, can I talk with you for a second?" Sokka asked. "Sure snoozles." she said. They walked down the street to a bridge. They leaned up against it as Sokka started to confess. "so, I was talking with Ihro earlier and he made me realize something."

Toph tilted her head as she listened to him. "I-i care for you. A lot, and I really.. uh.." he rubbed the back of his neck, "I really like you." he said, "a lot, and I get it if you do-" he was cut off with a hand tugging at his sleeve.  

Toph earth bended to where they were the same height. She then leaned in and kissed him. At first he was shocked, but then closed his eyes and kissed back. After they broke apart Sokka pulled her in for a hug as she hugged back, "dose that mean you like me back?" he asked.

"Shut up snoozles, jut let me hug you." she told him. He chuckled and hugged back some more, and they stayed that way, in the moonlight.

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