Reversed Roles

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Basically what the title says// Modern

Toph's POV

I quickly stashed my things for school into my backpack as I tried to put up my hair at the same time. I was in my usual Billie Eilish tee with a pair of black sweat pants and some tennis shoes. My hair was up into its messy space buns, with a light green headband to hold back any hair that was needed. My phone went off, witch meant Zuko should be here to drive us to school.

I slung my bag along my shoulder and grabbed my phone, making  my way outside. I got into the pick-up truck, back seat I may add, next to Aang. I sat down my bag and didnt bother to buckle. Sokka and Katara's house wasnt far, just a few minutes away.

( always buckle kids!) 

I leaned back, starting up a convo, " This day is going to suck." I mumbled. Zuko nodded, slighting raising one of his hands from the wheel , as he started the truck up again, "ditto."  Aang turned to me, " Why? the weather is perfect, its a friday, and we get to have our sleep over at Katara and Sokka's tonight." he had pointed out.

I rolled my eyes, "I have an exam in math, on a Friday, im failing English and that means I could get cut from the Soccer team." I explained. Aang sighed, probably understanding at this point. He then focused on Zuko, "so why is your day going to suck?" he asked. "Azula." Aang no longer asked any questions.

Soon we parked in front of Katara and Sokka's house, witch meant it was time to do what I do every morning. I got out of the car, rang the door bell, and make sure the idiot dosent die. Oh and the idiot's name is Sokka. I walked up to the door and rang it. It was soon opened by Katara who was holding onto Sokka's arm. She handed me the arm that belonged to the idiot, and started to mumble in a annoyed voice, "Your problem now."

I stuck my tongue out at her as she made her way to the front seat next to Zuko, where she sat everyday. Sokka then held onto my arm, "Lets just go." He mumbled himself. I rolled my own eyes and walked over to the car, with Sokka right next to me. We got in, and I buckled Sokka, whos hand didnt leave my arm.

Zuko had let Katara drive, since her drivers test was coming up soon. He helped her, checking in on us kids in the back once in a while. He looked back at us, and noticed how I was the only one without a seat belt, wrapped around me, holding me down to the car. He narrowed his eyes at me, "Toph, buckle." He said in a demanding voice.

Sokka then gasped, "Your not buckled?" he asked me. I blew the bangs from my face crossing my arms, but still allowing Sokka to hold on. I had shrugged a little, " we are almost  there ts no big deal." I defended myself.

"Katara is driving right now, and has only been practicing for a little!" Zuko pointed out, "What if we had got into an accident?" he asked.  Katara seemed like she wanted to yell at the older boy, but she kept her tongue back. I just rolled my eyes, "We didnt die ok?" I asked, "On our way home, I will d as you say oh mother figure." I waved my hands,filled with sarcasm.

Katara sooned parked, and we all got out. I helped Sokka as usual, and started to walk him to where we would hang out every day before school truly began. I noticed Suki, Yue, and Mai there, sort of waiting for us,if you want to put it that way. We made our way there and started saying the usual , "Hey!" or "Hi!" or "Hey Suki and Yue! Take 5678 feet away from my man! But you are still my friends!" yea, that last one was in my head and never really made its way to my mouth.

"Hey guys." I waved, nudging Sokka a little. He said hello and waved at the girls as well. Soon Aang started up a story of this bunny he saved at the animal shelter the other night, witch had really hyped him up. Once the bell rang, I noticed Suki walking over to Sokka and me. "hey Sokka." she smiled, "Want some help getting to class ?" she asked him.


Thats my job.

Back off.

Sokka shook his head, "Thanks Suki, but Toph does that for me every day, pretty much all of our classes are either next to each other, or are the same class." He had told her. I noticed her smile start to fade, "Oh, ok, well if you need any help, just tell me." she had winked, witch was pretty much pointless, but oh well.

I then gave her a thin smile, and started leading Sokka to our math class. I grumbled a little, "I hate math, and we have a exam today." I added in. Sokka nodded, "yea, why do they have to give us these things on fridays? Fridays were always celebrated back in the younger grades!" he said, " I wanna go back to  4th grade." He whined a little.

I patted his arm, "we all do snozzles."  We then made it to our class, and took the exam, witch I swear, one more question and I would have died. We then went to a few other classes, then hey, here is lunch. I took Sokka threw the lunch line, and told him the options, "where is chicken nuggets and Mac n Cheese, or hamburgers." I told him, looking at the food.

He licked his lips a bit, "I-i think I want the nuggets." Soon he got what he asked for and we went back to our group. I saw how the group was split into two. On one side was Katara, Suki, Yue and Mai, and the other was Zuko and Aang. I led Sokka to the lonely boys only land, and raised an eye brow  them, "What happened?" I asked.

"Girl talk." Zuko fake gagged, as Aang played with the dip to his chips, bored. I sighed and sat between Zuko and Sokka, "well then , draw up some boy talk, it me with it." I ordered them. That caught Aang's attention, "But you are a girl."

"And girl talk can go die in a hole, so what do you want to talk about?" Aang and Zuko looked at each other before looking down, their faces turning red, "Katara." "Mai." They answered at the same time. I sighed of annoyance, "They both like you guys back, now ask them out on a date before Jet or Haru comes to steal them."

I then looked over at Sokka who was devouring a muffin. Where and when did he get a muffin? Dont ask me, I dont know. "so," I started, "speaking of crushes, got one yourself?" I asked him. I noticed he turned red as well, "someone... someone close."

Aang then stood up and ran over to him, " we need to know who, right now!" He said, pretty loud. Sokka finished his muffin and shoved his hand in his face, " No. All you are getting out of me is that she is in our group of crazy reckless friends."

I shrugged, "well, can we guess who?" I had asked him. He nodded yes, with means we had to power to shout out the only two girls it could be. Yue or Suki. I took my caprisun and stared to drink it, not wanting to ask if he, my crush, was falling for one of my friends.

"is it Toph?" 

"Its Toph isnt it?

I started to choke on my drink as soon as they finished. It wasnt bad, I was just shocked. I myself went red at the thought of it. But the were wrong. I dont think he likes my back. Sokka lowed his head as it begun to glow red. 

"Maybe." let out a small whisper.

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