Part 7

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I slammed my hand down on the desk, my anger borne out of the frustration I felt at being temporarily pulled out of the field

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I slammed my hand down on the desk, my anger borne out of the frustration I felt at being temporarily pulled out of the field. I knew this kind of investigative work was key, but if the adrenaline wasn't flowing through my veins whilst I was in pursuit of my target I didn't feel alive.

I should have just been thankful that the convoluted and quite frankly far-fetched story that I'd fed Paul had been digested and believed, but I was restless, the ache inside me intensifying as I flicked through files containing photos of Van.

"Is this really necessary?" I addressed my boss as he came to a stop behind me, peering down at the photo I held in my hands. "I mean you and I both know I'm better when I'm out there."

He let out an audible sigh, pulling out the empty chair next to me and sitting down, leaning into me, hunched over, like he didn't want anyone else to hear the conversation.

"You were lucky the last two times, but one day your luck's going to run out. And I don't want to be the one responsible for sending you out there when it does."

Now it was my turn to sigh. "It kinda comes with the job. If I'd wanted safe and predictable I would have gone for a job in bloody accounting or something!"

He chuckled but it was short-lived, replaced by a stern kind of seriousness as he replied. "Don't underestimate the good work you're doing here. If we can get inside McCann's head we can calculate his next move. It's the only way we're going to stand a chance of catching him. It's like chasing a bloody ghost. He's running rings around us."

I pulled out a file on possible targets, leafing through. There were a lot. "This is impossible... Where do I start? I just don't have the patience for this. Please Paul... I know I fucked up... again. But it'll be the last time."

Paul got to his feet. "I must admit, you're the only one who's actually got close to him. But it's too soon for you to be out there. I don't know what he's playing at but I don't like it. Holding you hostage to try and make a deal?" He huffed. "He doesn't make deals. No... there's something else... there has to be. I just need to work out what it is..."

He looked off into the distance like he was searching for an answer there, and I was just relieved he couldn't see the heat that had risen to my cheeks.

"I'd getter get on anyway..." I mumbled, head down to pore over the files.

Paul walked away, still muttering to himself.

Paul walked away, still muttering to himself

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