Part 12

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The function room was exquisitely decorated and I couldn't help but look around wide-eyed as the three of us stepped inside

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The function room was exquisitely decorated and I couldn't help but look around wide-eyed as the three of us stepped inside. The assembled guests exuded wealth and privilege and I would have felt very out of my depth if I hadn't felt the cool metal of my handgun pressing against my thigh, reminding me why I was there.

We all split up, swiftly moving around the room, eyes scanning all over to locate entrances and exits and possible weaknesses, spots where an assailant could hide and launch an attack from. There were many in the large room populated with hundreds of guests. I quickly located the target, a middle-aged man who looked outwardly like a respectable and upstanding citizen, but I knew better. I'd read his file, heard all about his dealings with international criminals, vile excuses for human beings involved with people trafficking, preying on the weak and vulnerable. It made me sick to my stomach, but I reminded myself that the very people that Van worked for were very much embedded into this dark world, and so by association he was also involved. They were merciless at picking off anyone who had crossed them, a relentless machine bringing death and destruction, crushing anyone who dared to stand up to them or get in their way. A stain on this world.

Raj indicated that he'd sit to the left of the target with a clear view of the main thoroughfare into the bar area and Jen and I took up our positions on the other side. Jen sat down but I stayed on my feet, my body already surging with adrenaline, eyes darting around the room, my heart surging every time I saw a tall figure move through the door. I knew I wouldn't see Van but I had no doubt in my mind that he was here somewhere, lurking in the shadows. I could feel it with a chilling certainty, his cold gaze sweeping the room, planning his attack. Had he seen me? Did he look for me like I searched for him among the sea of faces in the room?

As if reading my thoughts Jen spoke. "God, it chills me to the bone to think he's probably here somewhere, watching us, thinking out his next move."

A loud shrill laugh went up from the target's table and I jumped, whirling around at the sudden sound.

"For Christ's sake, sit down Lyla. He's not going to attack right now is he? He'd never get through this crowd without us seeing him. We've just got to bide our time. Keep our wits about us. If the target moves, we move too. He's more likely to strike when he's schmoozing with the other guests after dinner."

"Don't underestimate him," I said, grudgingly taking a seat next to her. "He'll find a way. He always does."

Raj looked over and gave a nod and a wink and I smiled back at him. This small exchange didn't go unnoticed by Jen.

"So... Raj scrubs up alright then doesn't he?" She grinned, nudging me gently in the ribs. "I was quite surprised when I saw him."

I sighed, knowing exactly where the conversation was headed. "What man doesn't look good in a tuxedo?"

"You know he's definitely got a soft spot for you. You should go for it. He's a nice guy, really sweet. It'd do you good."

"Fucks sake, we're on an important mission here, keep focussed." I hissed. "And besides... I'm not interested in 'nice and sweet'."

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