Chapter Thirty Six

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Calum's POV:

I strolled along with the officer, wondering what he could want, or how long this could take. It hurt having to walk away from Luke as it is, even though I was walking away from a fucking cell. The officer lead me to a very small and confrontational interrogation room. I felt truly uncomfortable, especially after what he said next. "Sit down en' lad" very commonly. Not professionally at all. I didn't say anything, I just did as I was told and sat down as he started looking through the files. For fucks sake. "So." He cleared his throat and looked back up at me. I felt as though I was looking into the eye of some sort of demon. He was definitely not a friendly cop at all. "We've been told that you were involved in the terrorist attack at your school, why would you want to be a part of that?" He swallowed hard. Again, with all the accusations and assumptions, I tried not to get angry but I'm so done with being a scared little boy. I was NOT going to let him do this to me, or Luke. Not a chance. "I wasn't part of it! I was a student, a victim. A victim that got shot for fucks sake!" "Don't swear at me, that's highly unprofessional. You were caught sneaking into the office and getting your hands on the blueprints. How do you explain that eh?" He rubbed his thumb along his chin. What?! Why is this a bad thing, I got the blueprints so I could gather information about the guns they were carrying and show them to the police so they could deal with them safely! So they could eliminate them and ACTUALLY stand a chance against their weaponry! I remember the monstrous machine guns that Vlad and his men were carrying, and they were not small guns, that's for sure. But they knew this! Everyone in Sydney knew that I did this, and if I hadn't have done it, the forces wouldn't have stood a chance! "I was trying to help, find out what I can about these guys who were threatening me, my boyfriend and the entire school! You know this! Besides, this was three years ago. Why am I being accused now?" I tried to figure out what was going on. This doesn't make sense, none of this fucking makes sense! "Trying to help blow up the school more like, pfft! Three years ago or tomorrow, it's still a crime, you could get life in prison if you don't cooperate!" "You're kidding me?! Who told you all this? This is fucking bullshit! I was helping, that's been proven. But all this.... there's no proof!" I don't know how many times I had to say it for him to believe me. There's real, TRUE crimes going on out there! I'm insulted that they're wasting their time with me over some fucking lie!

"That is private information. It's your word against CCTV proof." He glared at me. What? What CCTV proof? There is none! If there was any cameras at all in the school that wasn't destroyed by the terrorists, how can there be a footage of getting apparently wanting to "blow up the school". And for fucks sake, if there WAS cameras in the school before the terrorists destroyed them all, we wouldn't have been held hostage for so long, and the public would know about this. It's insane how they managed to keep it so secret all this time. I always had the slight feeling that the public knew, but just didn't know what to do, or how to help until I got hold of those god forsaken blueprints. But none of this mattered right now. All that mattered, was getting myself out of this super sticky and fucked up situation. I wasn't doing very well so far. So I decided to keep my words short. "But I'm part of it?" "The person wishes to remain anonymous. You are entitled to a lawyer, but pfft I doubt it'll get you that far." Again, again with the fucking pfft! Why does he keep doing that? I guess that it's just some sort of slang that happens around here, but he was literally abusing the word right now. "Excuse me? I'm sorry but you know nothing! You can't believe everything someone tells you." "Well I guess that means I can't believe everything you're saying by that logic hmm?" He continued to interrogate me. But by this point I had had enough, I slammed the desk hard. "I AM INNOCENT!" I tried not to be too loud. He looked at me and muttered "nasty nasty shit..." what?! What does that even mean?! So much for being fucking professional. "Well you're an even nastier shit!" "You can't talk to me like that! I can keep you in jail for longer just for that alone!" He threatened. Jesus is that all he knows how to do? "But all of this is so unnecessary! You know what, I want to talk to a different cop." Ive had it up to fucking here with his nonsense. "I'm the only one who's around." He looked at me like 😶 but I'm not sure why. If anything, I should be the one who's 😶 right now. Fucking prick. "Right. Well can we get this over with then?" I sighed. The only way I'll be able to cope at all is if I get it done as soon as I can. I just want to be back with Luke now. That's all I ask, all I want. "Pfft" he said yet so gain and sighed. Fucks sake! Stop pffting me you donut eating pig! He was the stereotypical asshole cop. There's some really good people in the law enforcement out there, but my luck? Always the donut eating pigs. "Alright, well this conversation needs to be recorded. Me and some of the others in the team will listen back and compare the information. We will get back to you." He added. I didn't say anything other than a blunt "Okay" because I didn't want to waste anymore of my breath on this asshole for even another second.

"Come on en'" He bought me back to the cell once we were done, what an absolute load of crap. When I get out of here, I'm going to find out who did this shit to me and Luke. I am DONE playing nice. Once I saw Luke, I wanted to touch his soft and perfect skin straight away. I was reunited with him, and even though I was gone less than half an hour, it felt like a fucking lifetime. But I couldn't even enjoy looking at the most perfect man for even a minute. Because he was about to be taken away too. "Come on Luke." Said the second officer. To be honest, he seems like just as much as an asshole as the one who interrogated me. Luke sighed and stood up, and gave me a loving look before he left. A look I needed. Especially after that. Jesus what a fucking mess....

None of this would've happened if Luke and I had JUST stayed at the anchor, and not even bothered succeeding in life. Which sucks because of how hard we tried and fought to get the positions we got. It's just not fair. None of this is fair.

I apologise for the short chapters lately, I usually set myself a minimum of writing to do per chapter but this part is kind of tricky as Calum and Luke's POVS are constantly changing between each other during this FAT TEA ☕️

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