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TW: mention of suicide

TW: mention of suicide

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I had to tell myself over and over again to breathe just so that I didn't lose myself in the process. All my senses were heightened just being in this room again. Harry's office room to be specific. Especially because I was drunk and out of my mind.

My thoughts were battling each other but I ignored them, walking hesitantly closer to the desk. I stopped suddenly in my tracks, thinking about how I forgot to close the door last time, and I snapped my head towards its direction.

You dumb bitch.

I wanted to knock my head multiple times at the wall next to me for leaving the door open yet again. I tiptoed quietly back, making sure to put light pressure on the floor until I got there. I held my hand at the edge of the door, and with one quick motion, swung it nearly closed to avoid the creaking sound. Once it was close enough, I pushed slowly until it was fully closed.

I let out a deep breath, closing my eyes in the process, and after a moment of silence, I reopened them and started walking towards his desk again.

There it was. The key. What was the key for? I didn't know but I had a sneaking suspicion by using this it to open the locked drawer, I would finally find out who the girl was.

Once I had the key in my grasp, I walked towards the locked drawer, and I felt my palms get sweatier with each step I took near it. I felt so tipsy from the alcohol, and I knew I wouldn't even be in here right now, snooping around, if it weren't for it also.

I took a pause, glancing around at the wood of the drawer, and I analyzed it carefully. Only then, when I took in close examination, I saw chips and dents all over it. It looked as if someone repeatedly stabbed the wood with some sort of knife or weapon. They didn't look friendly at all, only making me more nervous by the second.

Zayn was downstairs, so I had to be fast and quick. Shakily, I brought the tip of the key into the hole of the lock, pushed it in, and twisted it right until I heard that clicking noise again.

I pulled the key out, throwing it back to where it was on the desk, and I removed the lock so that it was an opened, bare drawer.

You can do this. Find the girl, get the dirt.

Not a second later, I reached for the doorknob and pulled it open. Instantly, I saw images of a young girl. The pictures ranged from baby images to much older pictures of her. My eyes jumped from photo to photo, trying to understand who she looked like.

Her face looked almost familiar to me, and I reached out to grab the other documents under it. There was one that looked handwritten so I started reading that first.

My heart dropped when I read what was on the top corner.

Suicide Note

I looked closely at the name written at the top of the page as well. It was a bit scribbled but I could make out the name just barely.

"Gemma," I whispered to myself, trying the name out. Who is Gemma? Why did he have her suicide note? This was all so confusing, but I needed to be quick before Zayn suspected anything, although he was drunk so I'm not sure if he would, so I started reading the letter.

Dear Harry,

You probably already know what this is about from the name of this letter. I know a lot is going on in your head and this is a lot to process, but I want you to understand. I didn't do this because of you or because of dad. Neither you nor dad was the cause of it. I just couldn't take it anymore. The constant lies and constant threats. You were everything to me. My whole life felt dull, but you were the only reason I was clinging to life. I need you to stay strong for me. I know when you lose someone you love, it can cause part of you to break, but I just want you to know, I'll always be there for you. I'll always be there with you. Don't go looking for my body because I took a plane and crashed it into the ocean. Please stay strong for me. I know you'll be alright.

Love you, Gemma <3

Wait... He has a sister? Sorry, he had a sister? I felt so bad reading this. I knew this was private information, considering it was locked, but I had to. This was my only ticket out. I noticed whoever this girl was had a huge effect on Harry, creating a vulnerability for him and an easy target for me.

Damn, this all must have been hard for Harry. I never thought, in a million years, he would care for anyone, but every time someone mentioned her name, he'd either act relentlessly or his mood would change completely, giving it away clearly he cared for her.

But my question was, why were they so on edge all of a sudden about her? I knew there was a part I was missing about all of this so I looked through the other papers. I noticed, in the corner of my eye, there was one folded paper in the corner of the drawer, so I quickly put the rest of the papers down and grabbed it, opening it almost instantly.

My eyes widened for a second when I realized this was Harry's thoughts all written down on this paper. It surprised me how much was written and how messy it was.

I could tell just from looking at it, he was frustrated and relentless writing his thoughts all down on just the sheet of paper.

Why did she lie?
Where in Virginia?
Virginia Beach?
I thought she loved me.
Why hide away?
Is there something I'm missing?
Alert the others.

I glanced through only just a couple of written thoughts before something caught my eye.

Gemma's Alive.

Oh my. This is why they're all so one edge about everything. His only sister lied about her death. She's probably in Virginia beach or something.

Wait, are they going to find her? If so, they better not bring me into this mess. I already have so much to deal with, I don't want to be brought into this too.

Now that I knew about this information, I had to be careful with everything I say. I couldn't accidentally make any slip up because that would just end badly for me, even if it was by mistake.

Shit, I feel like I made a bad decision with this one. I can't even blame it on the alcohol. I decided to drink it and enter this room, so this is all on me.

I put everything down, getting ready to lock everything up before anyone could barge in, and another thing caught my eye. This time, it was the same book that I saw a while ago in Harry's bathroom.

Oh, wait. No, it wasn't. This one was labelled Names - Part 1. The fuck does that mean?

I didn't have time to snoop around any longer, so instead, I put everything back, ignoring the book, and I ran out of there, making sure I didn't make too much noise.

Gemma Styles. Wow. I wonder what she's like.


Well if it wasn't so obvious, it's Gemma!!
Will Harry find out or will he never know...

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